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[WIP] The Wastelands


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Grid 2052. The Wastelands. Barren. Deserted. Devoid of life. Full of asteroid belts, dangerous nebulae and uninhabitable planets. Nothing can live there. Nothing wants to live there.
For many years, the Wastelands were no-man's-land. But recently, people have become interested in the Wastelands. As it turns out, this seemingly useless sector is actually full of resources. The Federation was the first one to establish a base in the Wastelands, followed by the Cardassians, Klingons and even the Romulans.
But Grid 2052 is not big enough for all of them. The other forces have sent warships to defend their claims, but the Federation can't afford to do that. It's your task to make sure that the Federation holds this territory. All you have right now is a bunch of wrecks left over from the Dominion War and a rusty old space station.
Can you do the job?

Well, that is the setting for my concept mod or Somewhat Less Total Conversion, The Wastelands. I've already mentioned it before. I got the idea while working on my personal mod and thought that it shouldn't be too complicated to get this to work.
In The Wastelands, there won't be any fancy Akiras and Sovereigns. The UFP has just enough money to send you out with some wrecks that were left over from the war. Your enemies may have high-powered warships, but at the beginning you're basically stuck with some flying s****heaps. And even if you're successful enough to get some better ships, they still won't be what A2 players would expect. I'm a big fan of R5D5's work, so... you can already imagine what this looks like.
The Wastelands is much more economy-based than any other A2 mod. Because, gathering resources and selling them (or using them to build starships) is your frikkin' job here! You will have to search resources, exploit them, defend them from your enemies and do something with them. It won't be about mining resources to build ships, it will be about building ships to protect your mining operations! Of course, in the end you can only win if you permanently free the sector of hostiles, but that's another story.

Of course, such a concept mod can only work with a human doing the work. An AI side couldn't adjust to the change of rules here. The AI sides in The Wastelands will really be just reproducing map units and not intended to be played by the gamer. The Feds will be the only "really" playable side, although there will be variations. This is why I call it a Somewhat Less Total Conversion.

You will see some nice designs in The Wastelands. Some of R5D5's work, some other rarely seen "workhorse" designs...
One of them is the Starchaser, well-known for its giant deflector dish and quadruple photon torpedo launchers. This is - of course - not one of the wrecks mentioned earlier. This is one of the designs that you will want because of its firepower. I've recently done some work on her, I borrowed some of Thunderfoot's magic and improved the textures slightly. I've attached some pics of the Stage 1 rework in my Ship Testbed (several detail edits will be done later, though the texture is as good as done). There wasn't really much to change, though. The original textures are nice, way too bright though.

Alright, that's it for now. More details coming later. Stay tuned! :thumbsup:


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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Nice idea for a mod! I've always felt the resource parts of any RTS I've played were far too generous. And most of the earlier tech exists simply to get a player to the "good" ships and weapons. Nice to see someone else has similar ideas. Fleets of Galaxys and Sovvies look all kewel on the map, but the reality is (if one can use such a term so very loosely) the majority of the combatants should be the smaller, weaker ones. This looks promising.

The ship looks nice too. Is she supposed to be this dark except for the registry part? You may have the alphas channels reversed somewhere. I catch myself doing this all the time.


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
The ship looks nice too. Is she supposed to be this dark except for the registry part? You may have the alphas channels reversed somewhere. I catch myself doing this all the time.

Actually, I accidentally turned the lighting too low, but the alpha on the front part is waaay too bright. I'll tone it down a bit.
And I can't reverse my alphas because I use a TGAtool which enables me to edit main texture and alpha texture separately. :cool:

Nice idea for a mod! I've always felt the resource parts of any RTS I've played were far too generous. And most of the earlier tech exists simply to get a player to the "good" ships and weapons. Nice to see someone else has similar ideas. Fleets of Galaxys and Sovvies look all kewel on the map, but the reality is (if one can use such a term so very loosely) the majority of the combatants should be the smaller, weaker ones. This looks promising.
I'm glad to see that you like it. I learned most of the stuff I've done with the Starchaser from you! :)


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
If you'd like, I can D/L Starchaser and work up a set of textures for you. You still have the same email addy correct?


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
The concept is a very good one, and one that could indeed happen in Star Trek, so it really has a plus. And the idea of not having any of the fancy ships is also interesting, as you'll have to look for other ideas to survive and win.
Kepp it up!


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Well, that is the setting for my concept mod or Somewhat Less Total Conversion, The Wastelands. I've already mentioned it before. I got the idea while working on my personal mod and thought that it shouldn't be too complicated to get this to work.

This Somewhat Less Total Conversion concept is a radical departure from the usual Let Me Tell You How To Play This Game Total Conversion And If You Don't Like It Play Stock For All I Care mod. And it's certainly a welcome change from the usual attitude (see above). If you need anything from me, Terra, whether it's help or whatever, you just e-mail me and I'll be about it. We need more Somewhat Less Total Conversions in this game.

I think you might be able to work around the limitations of the campaign as well. If you had a "campaign.txt" file in which you told a player the order in which to play maps, followed by a brief setup instruction for each map (play as Feds, start here, Cardies go over there, Klinks go down there, NO BORG etc), it'd mean you don't have to hard-code the story into the map, but rather, you can tell it as you go. And rather than having the maps link together in the program, you can have each map playable (with an associated text file to explain the reasons behind the missions) in a certain fashion. The limitation is that every map is probably going to need to be done as a "winner take all" sort of setup, but given that your storyline seems to depend on that being the case regardless.... well, why not?

So, yeah, this is a brilliant idea, and I think it definitely warrants a closer look, and the full attention of a half-decent modder. And, I might add, Terra, if all it takes is a half-decent modder, you're vastly overqualified.



Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
...I think you might be able to work around the limitations of the campaign as well. If you had a "campaign.txt" file in which you told a player the order in which to play maps, followed by a brief setup instruction for each map (play as Feds, start here, Cardies go over there, Klinks go down there, NO BORG etc), it'd mean you don't have to hard-code the story into the map, but rather, you can tell it as you go. And rather than having the maps link together in the program, you can have each map playable (with an associated text file to explain the reasons behind the missions) in a certain fashion. The limitation is that every map is probably going to need to be done as a "winner take all" sort of setup, but given that your storyline seems to depend on that being the case regardless.... well, why not?
Mind if I borrow this idea for my BSG stuff? I've had some of it rolling around in the back of my head, but as usual, you've organized everything succinctly and brilliantly. And it may be possible to write a techtree file for each map as well! *Goes off to begin searching for maps of the Twelve Colonies.*


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
it may be possible to write a techtree file for each map as well!

It most definitely would be possible-- actually, this was something I thought of moments after posting, that there could be a sort of layered techtree to the whole thing ("Starfleet's given you permission to utilize the new Ambassador class starship in securing control of this particular stellar nursery", that sort of thing).

The same concept would actually be MORE applicable in a BSG mod, especially in the reverse fashion-- missiles or certain tech is no longer available, or if you're commanding a single ship that's trying to rejoin the Colonial Fleet, or now that I think of it, the entire Cylon Civil War could be played out in a meaningful fashion, depending on control of certain structures or landmarks in-game.

Seems I can still think in A2, I just don't mod much in A2 anymore.



Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Hey Terra, this is a great idea. If I ever get a campaign going for YY I might do a mission like this.

I really like the sounds of this and I would certainly download it if released. :thumbsup:


Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
Serious props for the concept, and I'd imagine individual ships should really be taken care of, with scarce resources as it is, you'd have to make do with small fleets.

This is also a pretty realistic perspective of another side of Starfleet, not everybody has fancy Galaxies or Sovereigns, I'd imagine the deployment of older TMP and TLE ships. Any ideas on what classes you'll include?


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Thanks for the support, people. I didn't expect so many people liking the idea. I hope you will also like the result of my work. :sweat:

If you'd like, I can D/L Starchaser and work up a set of textures for you. You still have the same email addy correct?
Thanks for the offer, TF. I will gimp a little and see if my own skills suffice, but if that isn't the case, I'll gladly accept it.

This Somewhat Less Total Conversion concept is a radical departure from the usual Let Me Tell You How To Play This Game Total Conversion And If You Don't Like It Play Stock For All I Care mod. And it's certainly a welcome change from the usual attitude (see above). If you need anything from me, Terra, whether it's help or whatever, you just e-mail me and I'll be about it. We need more Somewhat Less Total Conversions in this game.
Thanks for your kind words and your offer. I may ask you a few things later on, partly because this is mainly Fed-based and you might have some experience with these guys from the Compmod.

I think you might be able to work around the limitations of the campaign as well. If you had a "campaign.txt" file in which you told a player the order in which to play maps, followed by a brief setup instruction for each map (play as Feds, start here, Cardies go over there, Klinks go down there, NO BORG etc), it'd mean you don't have to hard-code the story into the map, but rather, you can tell it as you go. And rather than having the maps link together in the program, you can have each map playable (with an associated text file to explain the reasons behind the missions) in a certain fashion. The limitation is that every map is probably going to need to be done as a "winner take all" sort of setup, but given that your storyline seems to depend on that being the case regardless.... well, why not?
That is a great idea. When I have the basic structure of the mod set up, I will definitely draw up something like this. That will allow me to actually have an in-game storyline - I didn't think that was possible without the SP campaign. :)

It most definitely would be possible-- actually, this was something I thought of moments after posting, that there could be a sort of layered techtree to the whole thing ("Starfleet's given you permission to utilize the new Ambassador class starship in securing control of this particular stellar nursery", that sort of thing).
So does that mean I could set up a TechTree for a single map in Instant Action? That would make some great ideas possible, but I've never seen it anywhere. :yum:

So, yeah, this is a brilliant idea, and I think it definitely warrants a closer look, and the full attention of a half-decent modder. And, I might add, Terra, if all it takes is a half-decent modder, you're vastly overqualified.
:sweat: That is a great compliment, coming from such an icon of the A2 modding community...

Serious props for the concept, and I'd imagine individual ships should really be taken care of, with scarce resources as it is, you'd have to make do with small fleets.

This is also a pretty realistic perspective of another side of Starfleet, not everybody has fancy Galaxies or Sovereigns, I'd imagine the deployment of older TMP and TLE ships. Any ideas on what classes you'll include?

As stated before, these will be more like workhorse designs, that aren't really common in normal A2 mods. Stuff like the Starchaser, Hunter, Python, Eagle, maybe the Hecate, Mirandas of course, a few classic TLE designs like the Niagara... And of course I will put in some shuttles and fighters. Micromanagement ftw!


Some additional information about the concept:

Of course, you can't do the job alone. You'll need help. Several large mining companies from the Federation have offered you their support. You'll decide which offer you'll take. The big ones are there: Intersolar Mining Corp., Transpax M&E Inc., and some others, too. Each company has its special strengths and advantages.

There are no inhabitable planets in the Wastelands. You'll have to get people from outside for your mining operations. There will be ways to do this, but you will also want to make your installations appealing to attract employees.

Trade will also be an important part of the game. Latinum nebulae are rare in the Wastelands. You will want to sell parts of your resources to buy new ship designs or other things.


That's it for now. More info and pictures later! :ty:
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Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Here's another one of the ships that will appear in The Wastelands: The Hunter Class. Basically a TLE Miranda, it's a small ship with various weapons and excellent maneuverability. The concept behind the ship is that it was originally designed to replace the Miranda, but StarFleet found it too specialized to take over the Miranda's role. So the Hunter was mainly used as a fast patrol ship in underdeveloped areas of space.

This is one of the ships that you will want to use. It will be cheap, and it carries a good mix of weapons to use against smaller and larger ships.

The pics here show R5D5's Hunter class with slightly reworked textures (preliminary though, no detail edits yet). I have also attached a screenshot of the Hunters with their big brother, the Starchaser.


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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
So does that mean I could set up a TechTree for a single map in Instant Action? That would make some great ideas possible, but I've never seen it anywhere.

It's worthy of experimentation, I think. There's an entry in the map editor (I just checked to make sure I wasn't making this up) where you can specify a techtree. The default is, obviously, 'tech1.tt', but there's absolutely no reason one couldn't change that to a different version.

Even if it doesn't work, there's no reason you couldn't either modify the standard techtrees (your .TT files) to work to your advantage-- just change the Dynamic_Localized_Strings entry so that the first three missions utilize 'demotech.tt', then 'earlytech.tt', then 'nosci.tt' and so on. You're already converting the whole game, essentially, you might as well use the built-in techtrees to do your bidding, too. And you're already, essentially, making a pact with the casual A2 player --follow my instructions to set up my maps, and we'll call it a campaign once played in order. Why not extend that to include a specific techtree click-to-setup instruction as well?

EDIT to add: I love the Hunter class design, so much so that I opted to use it rather than the Andor class starship from BIVR. It's the first fast-attack ship available in the SB34 Fed mod, and with good reason: it just LOOKS like it's meant to play that role, with three (possibly five) impulse engines on the ship, one of which is absolutely HUGE compared to the other ones. Also, R5D5's typical ship design means that there's an inclusion of details in hardpoint and texture that overlap and correspond to each other. Love the attention to fine points like that.

SO MANY EDITS TODAY: Also also thought I should recommend the ships in R5D5's Avalon Station ship pack. There's a conship and another pair of ships (the "heavy runabout") that would be an excellent Lost Era mining/cargo pair. This is reviving my ancient interest in a Lost Era full conversion. But I'm not ever going to get around to doing that, I'm afraid.



Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
It's worthy of experimentation, I think. There's an entry in the map editor (I just checked to make sure I wasn't making this up) where you can specify a techtree. The default is, obviously, 'tech1.tt', but there's absolutely no reason one couldn't change that to a different version.
Yeah, now that you mention it, I think I have seen that one before when making maps. Didn't think much about it at the time, but now it's a fascinating option!

EDIT to add: I love the Hunter class design, so much so that I opted to use it rather than the Andor class starship from BIVR. It's the first fast-attack ship available in the SB34 Fed mod, and with good reason: it just LOOKS like it's meant to play that role, with three (possibly five) impulse engines on the ship, one of which is absolutely HUGE compared to the other ones. Also, R5D5's typical ship design means that there's an inclusion of details in hardpoint and texture that overlap and correspond to each other. Love the attention to fine points like that.

SO MANY EDITS TODAY: Also also thought I should recommend the ships in R5D5's Avalon Station ship pack. There's a conship and another pair of ships (the "heavy runabout") that would be an excellent Lost Era mining/cargo pair.
I remember those, I think I'll use them, too. I haven't set up a full shiplist for the player sides, but they will definitely fit in.

This is reviving my ancient interest in a Lost Era full conversion. But I'm not ever going to get around to doing that, I'm afraid.
We all have plans that we'll never get to realize. Me, I once worked on a completely canon Borg race. Made heavy use of the unofficial 1.2.5 patch. I ended up with having to do more than 100 odfs - and all that for five or six ships! You can imagine how that discouraged me. :yuck: (Although I recently heard that FlOps modders have unusually high numbers of odfs as well.)

On a related note, could someone provide me with an english Dynamic_Localized_Strings file? Mine is German, and I don't want to translate it for the later release of this.
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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
On a related note, could someone provide me with an english Dynamic_Localized_Strings file? Mine is German, and I don't want to translate it for the later release of this.

I was wrong, Terra. It's "label.map" where the text of the techtree selection description is located. It's attached along with the DLS.h file, both in a .ZIP for you.



  • labelandDLS.zip
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Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
I was wrong, Terra. It's "label.map" where the text of the techtree selection description is located. It's attached along with the DLS.h file, both in a .ZIP for you.


Thanks, that helps me a lot! :thumbsup:

I also e-mail'd you about some credits questions.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Here's another one of the ships that will appear in The Wastelands: The Hunter Class. Basically a TLE Miranda, it's a small ship with various weapons and excellent maneuverability. The concept behind the ship is that it was originally designed to replace the Miranda, but StarFleet found it too specialized to take over the Miranda's role. So the Hunter was mainly used as a fast patrol ship in underdeveloped areas of space.

This is one of the ships that you will want to use. It will be cheap, and it carries a good mix of weapons to use against smaller and larger ships.

The pics here show R5D5's Hunter class with slightly reworked textures (preliminary though, no detail edits yet). I have also attached a screenshot of the Hunters with their big brother, the Starchaser.

Beautiful, I love how this is shaping up already. It's not often I download mods and play them, usually too busy with my own. But this is certainly one I will certainly download and try out. :clap:

It's worthy of experimentation, I think. There's an entry in the map editor (I just checked to make sure I wasn't making this up) where you can specify a techtree. The default is, obviously, 'tech1.tt', but there's absolutely no reason one couldn't change that to a different version.

Even if it doesn't work, there's no reason you couldn't either modify the standard techtrees (your .TT files) to work to your advantage-- just change the Dynamic_Localized_Strings entry so that the first three missions utilize 'demotech.tt', then 'earlytech.tt', then 'nosci.tt' and so on. You're already converting the whole game, essentially, you might as well use the built-in techtrees to do your bidding, too. And you're already, essentially, making a pact with the casual A2 player --follow my instructions to set up my maps, and we'll call it a campaign once played in order. Why not extend that to include a specific techtree click-to-setup instruction as well?

That's what I have done for YY, for the multiplayer side of the game. I removed the science ships tt (the contents only), renamed it in the label.ap and now it works that it won;y allow you to build anything higher than a heavy cruiser. It's call No Heavy Ships.

This is reviving my ancient interest in a Lost Era full conversion. But I'm not ever going to get around to doing that, I'm afraid.


Yeah I still want to continue with such a mod. I am seriously thinking of turning YY2, if I get around to it into a TLE mod rather than another TMP mod. :)

I was wrong, Terra. It's "label.map" where the text of the techtree selection description is located. It's attached along with the DLS.h file, both in a .ZIP for you.


You beat me too it. :thumbsup:
How dare I sleep. :lol2:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
This Somewhat Less Total Conversion concept is a radical departure from the usual Let Me Tell You How To Play This Game Total Conversion And If You Don't Like It Play Stock For All I Care mod. And it's certainly a welcome change from the usual attitude (see above). If you need anything from me, Terra, whether it's help or whatever, you just e-mail me and I'll be about it. We need more Somewhat Less Total Conversions in this game.

I think you might be able to work around the limitations of the campaign as well. If you had a "campaign.txt" file in which you told a player the order in which to play maps, followed by a brief setup instruction for each map (play as Feds, start here, Cardies go over there, Klinks go down there, NO BORG etc), it'd mean you don't have to hard-code the story into the map, but rather, you can tell it as you go. And rather than having the maps link together in the program, you can have each map playable (with an associated text file to explain the reasons behind the missions) in a certain fashion. The limitation is that every map is probably going to need to be done as a "winner take all" sort of setup, but given that your storyline seems to depend on that being the case regardless.... well, why not?

So, yeah, this is a brilliant idea, and I think it definitely warrants a closer look, and the full attention of a half-decent modder. And, I might add, Terra, if all it takes is a half-decent modder, you're vastly overqualified.


Mind if I borrow this idea for my BSG stuff? I've had some of it rolling around in the back of my head, but as usual, you've organized everything succinctly and brilliantly. And it may be possible to write a techtree file for each map as well! *Goes off to begin searching for maps of the Twelve Colonies.*

It most definitely would be possible-- actually, this was something I thought of moments after posting, that there could be a sort of layered techtree to the whole thing ("Starfleet's given you permission to utilize the new Ambassador class starship in securing control of this particular stellar nursery", that sort of thing).

The same concept would actually be MORE applicable in a BSG mod, especially in the reverse fashion-- missiles or certain tech is no longer available, or if you're commanding a single ship that's trying to rejoin the Colonial Fleet, or now that I think of it, the entire Cylon Civil War could be played out in a meaningful fashion, depending on control of certain structures or landmarks in-game.

Seems I can still think in A2, I just don't mod much in A2 anymore.


Even though I already know it happens and why, I am still a little frightened by how much we still think alike sometimes, TSK. :angel:

Back on topic...
Terra, here is official permission to use anything I have released which is solely mine and not someone else's in my mods in any manner you need to get this off the ground and running.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Back on topic...
Terra, here is official permission to use anything I have released which is solely mine and not someone else's in my mods in any manner you need to get this off the ground and running.

I'll follow this up with my seal of authorisation and permission on my stuff as long as my usual conditions are met, you can do what you want with them. :thumbsup:


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
I have yet to receive an e-mail on the subject. When did you send it?

Sent it yesterday evening. But now that I think of it it's possible that I forgot to press the Send button... silly me. :sweat: I'll re-send it asap. You still have the same SB34 address, right?

Back on topic...
Terra, here is official permission to use anything I have released which is solely mine and not someone else's in my mods in any manner you need to get this off the ground and running.
Thanks, TF. That will help me a lot. You will definitely find yourself in the major credits. :thumbsup:

I'll follow this up with my seal of authorisation and permission on my stuff as long as my usual conditions are met, you can do what you want with them. :thumbsup:
Thanks for your trust, Majestic. At the moment, I'm not sure if I will use msfc-exclusive content right now because maybe I'd like to put this on A2F as well, but if this should be the case, there will be an msfc-exclusive Expansion Pack with some fine stuff from you and others here.


Some progress information. I have started to set up the platform on which this mod will be built. Added some graphic enhancements, MU, A2PhysProj, ... can't imagine to mod without those. Right now I only need to install Project Orange then I can start doing the coding work.
I also continue to rework R5D5's stuff (most of his textures are nicely detailed, but waaay too white and bright). Some more pictures will follow!
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Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
More info!

Shuttles and Fighters will form an important part of this mod. They're available pretty early and are cheap alternatives to the larger ships. Of course, they are also carrier-based. One of the carriers in The Wastelands is the Python Class. It was an early attempt at a shuttle and fighter carrier and was replaced with the Britain (a much more capable carrier, but also much larger and a lot more expensive). The Python is now mostly used by mining companies and prospectors, as it's sleek enough to navigate through asteroid fields.

I've attached some pics of the Python. This time, R5D5's textures were pretty much perfect, no need to readjust the brightness. I removed the registry, though. Carriers in The Wastelands are NOT patch-based, by the way. They will work just like in the FedCompMod, constructing the smaller ships.
Now that I have permission to use the shuttles from that mod, I can set up my carriers.

Some questions, though. Does anybody know where to find lightmapped versions of the research stations from BI:VR? I thought that they were great general purpose buildings. I could only find the lightmapped Jupiter station in AOW. :help:


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Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
Dude, I can't believe I missed those stations :lol2:, consider them added to my revamp list. :thumbsup:

Love the re-interpretation of the Python, certainly fits the bill well, and you also have my green light to use any of my content. :cool:


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Dude, I can't believe I missed those stations :lol2:, consider them added to my revamp list. :thumbsup:

Love the re-interpretation of the Python, certainly fits the bill well, and you also have my green light to use any of my content. :cool:

I was wondering. You've released lots of awesome reworks here, and one or two of them would definitely come in handy. But if I decide to submit this to A2F as well I'd have to cut it from the mod (at least for the A2F release. The one for MSFC is a completely different story). See my problem? :sweat:


Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
An alternate version seems to be the way to go man, you could just use some stock stations and other ships as placeholders if possible.


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
An alternate version seems to be the way to go man, you could just use some stock stations and other ships as placeholders if possible.
Yeah, that could work out... For most of the stuff from here, I can find older versions that wouldn't look as good, but would definitely fit. :cool:


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Certainly love the way this is shaping up mate, the carrier is a very nice addition which I feel fits in with the rest of your ships you plan on including. :)


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate!

Yay! A Mod Slogan!

I've got the green light to use Project Orange for Wastelands. That should do wonders for the looks of the mod. Now the base for my work is set up.


Here is some more info.

One of the stations you'll see in The Wastelands is a commercial starbase. Yes - there are two types of starbases! The commercial starbase builds freighters and conships and shuttles and... all of that resource stuff. This will be the most common type of starbase. It's lightly defended, but you will want to use additional ships or turrets to defend it.
The second starbase will be a military base building mostly fighters. Its main task, though, is not to build stuff. It is a heavily armed and armored fortress. It's not cheap, so there won't be many of those.

I've attached two pics showing the commercial starbase. Yeah, the textures could be better, but the overall design IMO really fits with the mod's idea. I don't like the blueish hue, though, that will be changed.

And yes, that ship in the second pic should look familiar... it's the colossal Starchaser II with its bulky hangar pod. This will be the second and final carrier, and because of that definitely one of the most powerful vessels in the mod.

More info and screenshots later, stay tuned!


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  • combase2.PNG
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Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
Terra, here is official permission to use anything I have released which is solely mine and not someone else's in my mods in any manner you need to get this off the ground and running.

I'll do the same for my work as well, I know I already granted the request you emailed me about the fighters, but this'll at least save you asking again for anything else you decide to use :)

This mod looks really cool, keep it up :thumbsup:


Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
Hehe, surplus Galaxy saucers must be abundant these days if they're integrated into commercial stations like that lol but the division of roles for bases is a neat idea, you could even try unique build lists for every base, for even more diversification. Let's say Station 1 could build freighters but Station 2 could build the same model but with a larger cargo capacity. :cool: