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Transformers 3


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
The running time of Transformers 3 has been updated. Seems they have added more scenes. :)

Plague1980, a member of the Shoot for the Edit forums from Michael Bay Dot Com has said, "Well, I just got off the phone with my local Imax and they say the run time is 153 min." Many other websites say 153 minutes as well and Fandango still lists it as 1 hour and 49 minutes. So what do you think?
Update: This is technically correct. Nelson had this to say via Twitter: "Imax print of #Transformers3 has no extra footage as being reported by some web sites. TF3 is 2hrs & 22mins plus 10min credit crawl." This means Transformers DOTM is 8 minutes longer than the initial run time confirmation!

Here's a small tidbit about Michael Bay, called Hall of Fame. It involves all three movies:


And here is a nice commercial :D :


"You may never have to outrun a Decepticon invasion. It's just nice to know you can." :D


Zero APM Gamer, And i can still own you
9 Mar 2011
Thz, and heck, if Optimus gets one, why not Shockwave?




Zero APM Gamer, And i can still own you
9 Mar 2011
I think thats the creepyest video yet, and the points i got out of it were:

Human/Decpticons *chills*

50 years of planing *ahhhhhhhhhhhh*



Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Did you catch the reasons for the pg13 rating? I wish they could have just left that last part out. It really ruined the previous movie for me. *facepalm*


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Did you catch the reasons for the pg13 rating? I wish they could have just left that last part out. It really ruined the previous movie for me. *facepalm*

The reason for the PG-13 rating is that this movie is more violent, more adult and scarier than the previous two according to what I have heard.

Thanks for the better quality version of the TV-spot, Styer. :)

By the way, yet another new TV-spot:


Sorry for the quality on this one, though it's the only vid I found so far of this new TV-spot.


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Former MSFC Member
Lets be honest here, this third instalment is going to ROCK!! By all accounts, those lucky people that have already seen the film have given it top marks all round; one review stated it was Bay's best job to date, and that's quite a statement considering how many films Bay has been involved with.

With rumours that this is the end for Bay (in regards to Transformers) he's obviously pulling out all of the stops; and fair play to him on that. Looks like we'll be in for one hell of a ride.


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006


Zero APM Gamer, And i can still own you
9 Mar 2011
at about 18 seconds in that clip i see either shockwave or megatron beating the c*** outta bumblebee, and optimus is like dead on the ground.

Edit: now that i've takin time to actualy look at it, i don't think its either of them,


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Former MSFC Member
Having just taken a look at those TV Spots up there, I fear for Que. I notice Bumblebee is standing around a fallen Blue Autobot; Sideswipe trying to move Bumblebee on. I guess this is one of the Autobots that wont make it to the end of the film. :/

I've also read (on Wikipedia) that Barricade is back in this one; haven't seen him since the first film. Knew he wasn't destroyed. He's back, though for only a minor role so it reads.

Personally, for all the new additions, I'm actually looking forward to seeing Silverbolt. The first Flying Autobot; it's about time. ;)


Zero APM Gamer, And i can still own you
9 Mar 2011
Having just taken a look at those TV Spots up there, I fear for Que. I notice Bumblebee is standing around a fallen Blue Autobot; Sideswipe trying to move Bumblebee on. I guess this is one of the Autobots that wont make it to the end of the film. :/

I've also read (on Wikipedia) that Barricade is back in this one; haven't seen him since the first film. Knew he wasn't destroyed. He's back, though for only a minor role so it reads.

Personally, for all the new additions, I'm actually looking forward to seeing Silverbolt. The first Flying Autobot; it's about time. ;)

And the reason i say it looks like Optimus is that if you freeze it firght as the shot begins, you see two flat spires, like what optimus Feet look like, and seroiusly, i'd be cool if either he or sentinel Died, but really i think both sides with have to take huge losses in the movie, plus theres the human factor, cuz i heard a rumor that one of the decepticons main targets in this movie is humans them selves, and on a more "small arms" basis, not insta cube army, nor death sun machine.


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Have you seen the vid for that song?


That is a sweet musicvideo. :)

By the way, the release date has been pushed again:

Release Pushed Up Again
Transformers 3 has a new release time: June 28th at 9pm according to Slash Film. This is 3 hours of waiting we can take off our countdown clocks! This will only be for 3D and IMAX 3D versions of the movie, so the official release for the movie is still June 29th. Here is the article:

"Subtract another three hours off your Transformers: Dark of the Moon countdown clock. Paramount just announced that they’ll open the film, exclusively on 3D and IMAX 3D screens, on Tuesday June 28 at 9 p.m. It’ll open in all dimensions 3 hours later, at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday June 29."

Another two TV-spots right here as well:



The TV-spots just keep coming. Now I spotted two more:



The last one has two of my favorite Transformers in them; Megatron and Ironhide. :D

Boy, Megs looks rather scary there. And I also just love how Ironhide dealt with that other Decepticon. :D

I still haven't spotted any TVspots here in Norway which either could be because they are waiting for the movie to cme out, or that I rarly watch commercials (until now). :p

Though I have seen one of the trailers to this movie on a Norwegian cinema page, confirming the movie will come out the 29th. this month here. :)

PS.: While the pic for both TV-spots here are the same, they are not identical. ;)

I still haven't spotted any TVspots here in Norway which either could be because they are waiting for the movie to cme out, or that I rarly watch commercials (until now). :p

Though I have seen one of the trailers to this movie on a Norwegian cinema page, confirming the movie will come out the 29th. this month here. :)

I just saw a trailer to this movie on TV Norge (TV Norway), an Norwegian TV channel. It was this one:

:excited: :excited:
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Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
No one answered my question above?

Anyway, here's some more:


^Did you see what Megatron did there? :p



Ok, you may have understood that Megatron is my favorite Decepticon and Ironhide is my favorite Autobot.
Though make no mistake; My favorite Transformer of them all is Unicron (and he's no Decepticon nor Autobot).
I do doubt Unicron will be in this movie though, despite the many rumours stating otherwise.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
I hope so. I just saw a full length trailer on the big screen and I seriously can't wait.:excited:


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
It may be some time before I get to see it so be sure to let us know without spoiling how it is. ;)


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Ok, I have now seen the movie, so here's a report on how it was:

Awesome!!!!! :clap:

I dare say this movie is Michael Bay's best one yet. There are a few surprises in this movie as well. :)

Oh, and I do get the PG-13 rating in it, it def. has some scenes I wouldn't recommend the youngest kids to see in there.

Two small funny quotes from it (about directly quoted):

"Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!" *Said rapidly*

"The evil thing is staring at me! And he's got a worse Decepticon with him!"



Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
So this movie must have been really tough on you?

Yes, it was, even though I liked the movie. Seems you have seen it.

I won't say anything more about this part to avoid spoiling. ;)
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Former MSFC Member
Okay, I went and saw this third instalment yesterday, and figured I'd present my review. Firstly, I'm going to agree with those critics that believed this to be the best instalment of the three. Dark of the Moon was more entertaining, and more eye-candy than the original Transformers film, and Revenge of the Fallen. What it wasn't however, was perfect, and I mean that with respect; I don't believe in perfection. ;)

I think a lot of the critic reviews I've read were over-critical; heck, I read one on (I think it was) Rotten Tomatoes where the critic in question was criticizing 'Dino' (the Autobot Ferrari) for having an Italian Accent. I mean, seriously? A car that is produced in Italy, happens to be an Alien Robot with an Italian Accent, and you're going to complain about that? Give me a break.

What I found Enjoyable:
1) The Special Effects - Quite simply, can't be faulted. They were brilliant, and the main battle in Chicago was outstanding. I had expected it to be shorter, but it wasn't. It went on for a good half hour or so which was exceedingly good.

2) 'The Wreckers' - The Red one (forget the name) who walked around with (what seemed to be) a beer belly wasn't the best of sights; probably for general comical-use, but they could have done a better job with him; but all three of them I thought were quite... cool. They kind of reminded me of Jazz from T1.

3) The scene between Sam and Bumblebee just before he was about to be executed. There was a lot of emotion there, and you saw it. That I commend.

4) Carly (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) instead of Mikaela (Megan Fox). I've always thought Megan Fox to be over-rated anyway, but her character was less favourable than that of Carly. I also liked the fact that (as Sam put it) 'she dumped me and I moved on.' I think the writers tied that up as well as they could have; I remember many people questioning how they were going to explain the lack of Mikaela, but they managed it well.

5) The Twins - I'm glad they didn't find themselves in this third instalment. I honestly don't think they'd have been much use in the city fight. They always appeared clumsy and useless. S'pose they could have served as the first two Autobots to be executed by Soundwave though. =p
What I found Disappointing:
1) The lack of Autobots; Revenge of the Fallen had (I believe) two Autobots that were still alive at the end of the film, that didn't make it into this third instalment; Chromia and Jolt. I believe Arcee and Elita One were killed (correct me if mistaken).

For funds sake, surely it would have made more sense (from a production point of view) to use Jolt in this film instead of introducing Que? They already had Jolt's model, and all his animation. Instead, they did away with him, and introduced an entirely new character. :/

2) There were rumours (post-film) about an Aerialbot for the Autobots by the name of Silverbolt (I think). We never got to see him, obviously that rumour was just that; a rumour. It would have been nice to see a fully-fledged Flying Autobot though (minus Optimus with the Jetpack).

3) There were rumours that Barricade was suppose to make an appearance in this third instalment; unless I missed the scene, I didn't see him at all. Was somewhat looking forward to that, just to see him actually get trashed.

4) Ironhide's Death; didn't see that coming. There were four Autobot Death's in the film (I'm assuming 'Brains' and 'Wheelie' were KIA). We never really got to 'know' the 'Que' character, so yes, whilst his death was sad, it wasn't as big (or as much a surprise) as Ironhide.

5) The lack of interaction with Rachet and Sideswipe. I swear neither of them had more than 4 - 5 lines in the entire film.

6) The 'sudden' end. Taking into account that this film was the third (and possibly final) of the franchise, I thought it ended abruptly. One minute everyone is fighting, the next minute the Autobots prevail and win, and the next minute the film was over. On both the original movie, and Revenge of the Fallen there was a 'wind-down' to the closure of the film, I don't feel we got that here.

7) Taking into account that everyone thought the Autobots had left (and were thus dead), there was no scene in the film from Lennox, Simmons, Mearing and co showing the shock (or relief) that the Autobots were in fact, still there.

8) Whilst not a necessity, it would have been good to see the Autobots / Next hunting down the remaining Decepticons. There were what, forty-something of them that came down from the Moon?

9) When on the Ark, Optimus chose only to revive Sentinel; baring in mind there were other Autobots on that ship too. I know they were crippled and such, but with Optimus' Energy Core, you'd have thought there would be something there to resuscitate the other downed Autobots as well as Sentinel.
What I found Unanswered:
1) Something I didn't get either with respect to those Decepticons that came from the Moon and through that 'gate'; how were they on the Moon in the first place? Wasn't Sentinel's ship an Autobot one?
What's Next?
I doubt very much that Hasbo are going to let the Transformer films come to an end. I can't see that happening at all; they make too much money off it. Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf have (by all accounts) stated that this was the end for them, and that neither of them are going to be working on Transformers again.

This leads to the question of whether they'll reboot the franchise (new directory, new hero, new girlfriend), or whether they will continue the same story, but with different characters playing the part of Humans. Should the latter be the case, the question must then be raised on the Decepticon faction. Megatron, Shockwave and Starscream have all been 'removed' from the equation, so someone else would be needed. Short of Galvatron, there aren't any other Decepticons worth leadership, and Unicron would be stupid to work with, merely for scale's sake.
Think that pretty much covers a review. I'm sure there is something that I've left out, but can always add that in later.


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Well, here is a comment to one of your spoilers:

Barricade was seen in the film, but only barely. Remember the unnamed Decepticon that got his left leg blasted off by that bomb? Right next to his left there is a Decepticon police car that can only be Barricade. ;)

And something else:

Shockwave got too little screen time. I was looking forward to see the psychotic Decepticon, but he got even less screen time than the Fallen in previous movie (yes, I know Shockwave weren't the main villain, but still).

I have also made a separate thread to discuss possibilities of Transformers 4. :)


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Well, here is a comment to one of your spoilers:
Barricade was seen in the film, but only barely. Remember the unnamed Decepticon that got his left leg blasted off by that bomb? Right next to his left there is a Decepticon police car that can only be Barricade.
You say that, though I'm not convinced that it's 'him'. If have thought, if it were 'him' it would have been clearly stated, taking into account his already-stated role.

I didn't catch the Decepticon in the clip, but for all we know, he was 'just another Decepticon'. Wouldn't be the first time Bay and co have recycled a Decepticon model, would it? Blackout from T1 was another Deception (with a different head) in T2.

I have also made a separate thread to discuss possibilities of Transformers 4.
Noted. :)