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The Shout Thread


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
So, has anyone heard about Tarantino wanting to do a Trek movie? It sounds like they might actually be going ahead with it.


Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
I heard it was a JJ Abrams and Tarantino collaboration and that they want R rating, which no doubt means unnecessary use of bad language and gore to go along with the lens flares.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I heard it was a JJ Abrams and Tarantino collaboration and that they want R rating, which no doubt means unnecessary use of bad language and gore to go along with the lens flares.
Yeah. I just don't get it. Unless it's about a group of Klingons and not Starfleet officers. An R rated Klingon movie could be cool. A Kahless movie, for instance. On the other hand, there's no way that's what the movie is going to be about.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
I'll reserve my judgment until I find more about the movie. The rating, depending on what content it is generated for, doesn't really bother me so much. I'd love to see an R-Rated Star Wars that is even more adult than Rogue One, for instance, so I don't mind that for a ST movie per se.

What more concerns me is what the actual movie may be about. Tarantino mentioned liking adapting episodes such as "City on the Edge of Forever" or "Yesterday's Enterprise" and by that I mean I do NOT want another time traveling movie. I'm sick to death of time traveling Star Trek movies.

I just want an actual "Wrath of Khan" in terms of tone and development (Not a revenge story) or an "Undiscovered Country". I want intrigue, conspiracies, drama, some fun and a damn space battle that compares to that one with the Reliant.

If you need to adapt an episode, I hope they adopt my favorite episode of all time: "The Balance of Terror". Make it so Quentin!

Again as to the rating, meh, Discovery already gave us swears and naked Klingon sex, so the shock factor is gone. I doubt this will be some gorefest. I just want a GREAT adventure with the JJ-Prise crew. My two cents.


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Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
And that is precisely the problem with a lot of todays TV and movies, they go for shock value and flash rather than actual content. Doomsday Machine is another episode they could try to remake.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
In less screwy movie news, they're starting on an Obi-Wan movie in 2019!


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I just found out that Obsidian nearly got to make Baldur's Gate 3 with the budget and schedule they wanted (neither of which they got for KotOR2 or NWN2), but then Atari had money problems and lost the D&D license so Obsidian had to abandon the project. Why do these things happen instead of awesome games?:cry:


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
I just found out that Obsidian nearly got to make Baldur's Gate 3 with the budget and schedule they wanted (neither of which they got for KotOR2 or NWN2), but then Atari had money problems and lost the D&D license so Obsidian had to abandon the project. Why do these things happen instead of awesome games?:cry:

Atari has become quite a joke these days. Now they are wanting to get back into the console business but I don't see it happening.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Atari has become quite a joke these days. Now they are wanting to get back into the console business but I don't see it happening.
They have hardware. It sounds a lot like the Steam Machine, though. It might work, but I don't have very high hopes unless it has a great library at launch.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
I always found it strange that Obsidian would pick up the corpse of old Bioware titles and resurrect them; Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate. Even Torment and Fallout were properties made by other companies before Obsidian made their sequels.

That being said, I've always liked Obsidian. Most of their games are really solid RPGs. I think the only one that really disappointed me was KotOR 2.

Man I miss the golden day of RPGs.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
BioWare actually recommended Obsidian to the rights holder for KotOR2 and NWN2. Torment and Fallout, on the other hand, were by Black Isle, which basically reformed as Obsidian. Fallout: New Vegas is actually primarily based on Black Isle's cancelled version of Fallout 3, code named Van Buren. Most of the Black Isle employees who didn't go found Obsidian went to found Troika, which folded during the development of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Interestingly, Black Isle was the publisher for the Baldur's Gate games. BioWare and Obsidian go way back.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
Yeah I know that many of Obsidian's people worked on Black Isles games, I enjoyed Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible and followed the production of Van Buren. Still they did take several scraps from Bioware or have continued to work on IPs from their own past who are now owned by other companies, such as Fallout, whose license holder is Bethesda.

I did not imply this as a criticism of Obsidian however, just an observation at how they have more or less either taken IPs from Bioware or worked on the same titles they once had as Black Isle. I haven't seen Obsidian do much in the way of brand new original IPs.

That being said, maybe Mass Effect Andromeda would have fared a better reception had it been handed to Obsidian as opposed to Bioware Montreal? As long as Obsidian decided to give the game a real ending and not one of their typical "ceiling caves in and protagonist disappears and is never heard from again" or "Protagonist is banished from the land despite saving the universe" endings. Jeez, Obsidian really likes their depressing or lack of closure game endings, that always bugged me about their games. Especially when old school RPGs usually could have 3-5 main different endings depending on your in game choices, as it should be.:rolleyes:

I was completely brokenhearted over Troika. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines continues to be one of my favorite RPGs of all times. I still have it in my computer, along with the community restoration mod. God I wish we could get a remake of that game in modern day consoles. Oh well.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Yeah I know that many of Obsidian's people worked on Black Isles games, I enjoyed Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible and followed the production of Van Buren. Still they did take several scraps from Bioware or have continued to work on IPs from their own past who are now owned by other companies, such as Fallout, whose license holder is Bethesda.

I did not imply this as a criticism of Obsidian however, just an observation at how they have more or less either taken IPs from Bioware or worked on the same titles they once had as Black Isle. I haven't seen Obsidian do much in the way of brand new original IPs.
After Black Isle failed, Obsidian was basically a AAA studio that nobody trusted to make AAA games. Publishers weren't ready to back them on new IPs, but (often rushed) sequels to existing IPs were fine. I'm not sure any other studio has ever been in that position. They're doing their own stuff now, though, with crowdfunding to get away from the publisher backing and absurd deadline issues. Pillars of Eternity is supposed to be pretty good.

"ceiling caves in and protagonist disappears and is never heard from again"
Hey now, they fixed that in the Mask of the Betrayer expansion. I haven't played Andromeda, though, so I have no idea if Obsidian would have been a better choice. With EA's meddling I suspect it wouldn't have made a real difference, though.

I was completely brokenhearted over Troika. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines continues to be one of my favorite RPGs of all times. I still have it in my computer, along with the community restoration mod. God I wish we could get a remake of that game in modern day consoles. Oh well.
Such a good game. It's a shame Troika got screwed by Activision during development. And they did it so early on that there was never a v1.0 batch of disks because they developed a patch long before the game went to manufacturing. And they made that patch for free, working completely unpaid. What I would love to see is something like Assault on Dark Athena, where it's a sequel with a bundled update/remake of the original. The game is something like a week before Gehenna, according to lore. That would be a great subject for a sequel. I should also play Arcanum at some point.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
Haven't played Pillars but I read plenty of good reviews for it. I may pick it up at some point. It's a shame that a company with the level of talent that Obsidian has boasted they have had to resort to crowdfunding as a means to get out new IPs but that is the nature of the business, in as much as games, movies and tv shows that loop the same crap over and over.

Hehe, yes they fixed the protagonist's disappearance in Mask of the Betrayer, though they killed off the entire party, sans the dwarf. But that was hardly the only game Obsidian gave that type of ending to. In fact, Obsidian has given that type of ending to all of their games. Just once I'd like to play an Obsidian game and feel good, like I accomplished something and which would make me want to play the game again in the future. But that's never how I feel in Obsidian games, I just feel depressed and not wanting to go through another 80 hours just to have that feeling again. This is why I hoped for multiple endings and when they do put those, they're all terrible. Lol.

I used to play Pen & Paper Vampire the Masquerade and I played the earlier Redemption game. I love the World of Darkness. I know the book series ended with Gehenna, as they switched over to Vampire: Requiem, but they don't even have to follow that outline. I'd love a series of games in Masquerade. I want a remake of Bloodlines cause I felt that game never got its due. But yes, anything in WoD would be great. There have been extremely few good vampire games. Here's hoping Vampyr holds.


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
For any of you who have Ghost Recon: Wildlands, from today to early January you can play a special free DLC that pits you (solo or in a group) against The Predator.



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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
So, did Janeway just ignore Chakotay's constant flirting for six years or did she just never notice? Either way, poor Chakotay.


I know just enough to be a danger to myself
25 Aug 2013
So, did Janeway just ignore Chakotay's constant flirting for six years or did she just never notice? Either way, poor Chakotay.
Well he did get Seven so.......Their relationships was kinda fleshed out though in that episode where they both got infected on that away mission and the crew left them behind until they got help from the Viddians. I assumed she made her point and put up the brick wall to him for any future advances.

The more I rewatch episodes the more I wish they would have spent more time fleshing out so many things with the crew, etc.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Well he did get Seven so.......
Because Beltran kept threatening to quit. He hated the show's writing and especially his dull and technobabble-filled dialog. Pairing Chakotay with Seven was basically a bribe to keep him on for the last season.

Their relationships was kinda fleshed out though in that episode where they both got infected on that away mission and the crew left them behind until they got help from the Viddians. I assumed she made her point and put up the brick wall to him for any future advances.
They were maybe two days from something happening between them when Voyager came back, though, at which point the writers did their customary reset button smashing. And he continues to flirt with her as far as late season six.

The more I rewatch episodes the more I wish they would have spent more time fleshing out so many things with the crew, etc.
Berman (I think) and the network has, or at least had, some odd aversion to serialized storytelling and wanted everything to be purely episodic. Relationships only change during finales and premiers, events from previous episodes are rarely referenced, damage to the ship never caries over, etc. They even went so far as to kill off all of Piller's recurring characters when he quit being showrunner and left the project. Braga actually wanted The Year of Hell to be a full season with long-term consequences, but it was vetoed and cut down to a two-parter that was immediately erased from the timeline. All this lead to a writing team that just didn't care. Moore was frustrated early on when he joined in season six at not being allowed to do arcs of any sort, but one of the final straws was when he asked the more veteran VOY writers what B'Elanna's reaction to an event would be and they said they didn't know or really care and told him to have her react however he wanted. That's about when he went off to resurrect BSG.

Can you imagine what seven fully serialized seasons with a team that was invested and really cared could have been like? Conflict between the Starfleet and Maquis crew who slowly integrate instead of the whole thing being swept under the rug after a few episodes, the ship getting gradually more trashed with each battle, characters who grow and change constantly, etc. It would have been like the best parts of DS9, ENT's Xindi War, and BSG '04. Just so much potential. VOY turned out to be a fun show, and it's great to have going while you work on something, but it could have been so much more.


Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Now hear this, now hear this. There will be an important announcement in KJCs thread shortly. All non-essential personnel are requested to attend. That is all.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Star Trek: Bridge Crew no longer requires a VR headset and can be played with a mouse, keyboard, and monitor.



Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
Interesting. I wonder if I can play it on the regular PS4. If so, I'm getting it in a few days.

I miss the days of playing Starfleet Academy and this sort of reminds me of that.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
So I've got a card game and I don't know what it's called.

Here's how it works:
  • It uses a standard 52-card deck, with no jokers
  • Each player is given 10 cards face-down in a grid. Each card's position corresponds to a card from ace to 10
  • A player's turn starts by drawing a card.
  • If said card is an ace or a number from 1 to 10, it's placed face-up in the corresponding position in their grid. The card that was replaced goes through the same process until a card can no longer be placed.
  • A player wins a round when they fill the grid with face-up cards.
  • Face cards are wild cards, and can be placed anywhere in the grid except for the ace. Said wild cards can be replaced by non-wild cards and the wild cards can be reused.
  • After a player wins a round, the player's grid goes down by one number. They start at ten, then go to nine, then eight, etc. The goal is to get down to one and win.
Anyone recognize this game?


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
After almost 3 years, I finally found a hi-res pic of the Peacekeeper flagship!


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Decided to post this here, too, for visibility.

Elite Force's multiplayer is now free. It's a fan project, but they have the consent of the rights holders and original developers.


I wonder why they didn't cite Data when they were arguing for The Doctor's personhood in "Author, Author". He was mentioned early in the show so it seems at least some of the crew is aware of him, and Reg was there. It would have been a great opportunity for a cameo, too.
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Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Today I was planning to do a backup of my laptop harddrive and what happens... It won't turn on!!!

EDIT - Bought a reconditioned laptop for less than it cost to repair the last one last Easter.
Windows 10, 6GB RAM, dual core at 2.2GHz, 750GB HDD, so a bit better than the last one,except obviously I need to rebuild everything AGAIN!!!

Next job, try and figure out if I can get the few files worth saving off the old laptops HDD.
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Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
69.99 GBP Amazon


or get Carbonite https://www.carbonite.com

To save yourself all that work again


Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Bought a USB HDD dock which surprisingly worked as advertised. So my files are back and so are my browser favourites. :D
Just need to reload a few bits of software.

I forget, is it possible to load A2 on Win10 or is that a lost cause?