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Stock A2 Starbase and Trading


I know just enough to be a danger to myself
25 Aug 2013
I can't recall if this has ever been asked before, but instead of building a separate trading station can you just put the "#include trading.odf" at the top of odf file for the starbase and as long as you have a docking point will Ferengi ships come in and out to drop off/pick up supplies and give you latinum?

Can you have more than one #include in a file?


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
I have never tried to make another station, such as a Starbase or a Fleet yard, function as a trading station. I have also not tried to make a Starbase a repair yard, I think I saw that done though. It's possible that it could work as a trading station but don't quote me on that.

I don't think that you can have more than one reference/base file listed within a unit's odf (a ship having both a cruise1.odf and a destroy.odf at the same time). Perhaps some traits from one base file can be ported to another base file? isrepairstation = 1 or somesuch?

Sorry, I wish I could be more help.


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I'm pretty sure that you can include more than one #include in an ODF. I think I've seen it done somewhere in the stock code, perhaps an H file? It should just take the contents of the first referenced file, then append the contents of the second referenced file, then append the contents of the main file. Because of the way the engine works, if a command is used more than once, whatever is lowest on the list will take precedence.

I'm not sure what all the starbase classlabel can do, but I have made a dilithium refinery that could also repair/decommission and construct ships (in A1, no less). Since the tradingstation classlabel is apparently a miningstation variant, you could probably take a tradingstation and add build items, a build hardpoint, the repairfacility flag, and a repair hardpoint and get something that works properly. You could probably even get it to handle resource refinement, assuming the relevant code hasn't been tweaked by being a tradingstation. It would not generate crew like a starbase, though, so a FO3 resourceweapon would need to be used to replicate that feature.


I know just enough to be a danger to myself
25 Aug 2013
Unfortunately according to the BBOM you can't have 2 classlabels on one station so......:mad:

The trade station uses a tradestation classlabel and the starbase uses the starbase classlabel. Good old fashioned hard coding to thwart me. :lol2:


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
Dang. Are you working on stock A2 or on FO? Perhaps FO has the ability to include more than one classlabel?

They managed to put traffic and stuff like that if I recall correctly. Don't ships that are used as traffic count as trading even though they stop at a starbase? Yeah I have no idea what I'm saying, shutting up with the no helpful suggestions...now where is that facepalm smiley? o_O


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
FO still only lets you use one classlabel. The traffic around stations is just an animated model overlaid on the station.


I know just enough to be a danger to myself
25 Aug 2013
Except for the Star Wars mod Majestic and I are working on for FO my only other modding for now is in stock A2. I have a stock version of the Upgrade Project mod basically complete, just need to test and beyond that I'm focusing on the AI to see if I can squeeze out any last thing to try to get the AI to play smarter or at least better.

I have a thread here about my AI modding that I'll be updating soon with more results from my testing. Not many people are interested in stock A2 modding any more, but I enjoy it and post my results for any future modders to look at.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
13 Aug 2016
As a stock modder, I appreciate that. I still use Westworld's Big Book of Modding as my reference bible. Lol.

It's thanks to fellas like you that regular gamers such as myself can learn to mod the game for themselves. Believe me, I'd rather not have to work like crazy but once Armada Fleet Command and A2files began pumping out ships/stations, I was screwed. I needed to learn to mod. Lol.