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Stargate Universe


6 Jul 2007
Found this, thought u may all be interested.

i got this from a mates Stargate Fans forum.

think they got it from somewhere else.

Stargate Universe Revealed!

Tuesday - October 30, 2007 | by Darren Sumner & David Read

[David to write intro]

The new series will deal with the Ancients and their original program of building and distributing Stargates from planet to planet. Just how was this feat accomplished? What did the Ancients plan to do with all those thousands of Stargates once they were out there? Read on and find out.

"It's got to be two things that are contradictory: It has to be very different from Stargate, but it also has to feel like a Stargate. And to do that what we wanted to do was literally live up to the name -- the reason it's called Stargate Universe -- is because this is one step further out into the universe aboard a ship that was launched by the Ancients to cross the universe in exploration millennia, millennia, millennia ago."

Did he say ... ship? Yes, and we're not talking about the kind between Sam and Jack. Stargate Universe looks to be a ship-based series, which will help set it apart from its two predecessors. But this isn't Stargate Daedalus -- like the city of Atlantis, the ship was built by the Ancients.

"They had planned to go there and to see what was out there, but they all ascended and no one ever went to it. When we find out it's still out there and can be reached by using the ninth chevron on a Stargate, and that's what the ninth chevron is for."

The ninth chevron, a mystery since the Stargate was first opened! In the Stargate SG-1 Season Two episode "The Fifth Race," we discovered that the normally unused eighth chevron is required for an extra distance calculation, allowing a gate (which can typically only connect to other gates in its own galaxy, using seven chevrons to dial an address) to dial a different galaxy.

The mysterious ninth chevron, Wright indicates, enables a Stargate to connect directly to the advanced Ancient exploration ship no matter where it is in the universe.

So the Ancients only launched the ship -- and ended up ascending before they could take up the mission of exploration across the galaxies.

"That's what the Ancients did, because they knew with the faster-than-light travel that they had at the time ... They sent out two ships. They sent out one millions of years before it -- or certainly tens of thousands of years before it. The Ancients sent out a ship to seed Stargates, and this ship was to follow it up."

The first ship manufactured Stargates them and sets them down, apparently automatically.

"That's what the first ship did, and then this ship was the follow-up ship that was sent to explore the worlds where the Stargate had been placed."

The Ancients were not only seeders of life, but they were also explorers.

"Very much so," Wright said. "Very much so. They were looking for other beings such as themselves. And if you go backwards across the universe, you're going through time because you're going back in the history of the universe. Not that it's time travel, but you know what I'm saying. You're going to an older part of the universe.

"And that's going to present stories and themes such as solar systems, entire civilizations where entropy has increased in the system so much that energy, in any form, is incredibly valuable. And here comes this ship rich with energy from a younger part of the galaxy. And they're going to want it. They're going to think we're rich. In fact, that's not going to be the case."

In SG-1 and Atlantis, the basic formula for characters seems to be a core team of four people and a base leader. The team is made up of men and women who each bring their unique skills to the mission; some are military, some are not. While some of that will no doubt carry over to the third series, expect Stargate Universe to take a slightly different approach.

"It doesn't quite work that way," Wright said of the team of four and a base leader. "There will be a team. It won't be, necessarily, a team of four -- and the base leader is going to be different. There is not going to be a base in the traditional sense."

It may be too early to know if any established characters will be crossing over from either SG-1 or Atlantis, as Rodney McKay (David Hewlett) was brought over after a handful of memorable guest appearances on SG-1. That decision happened late in the game, during the casting process.

And while Atlantis was cast largely with unknowns, Wright did say that he would love to cast an established, name actor in one of the new roles. "I would love to do that, but the casting process is always difficult," he said. "It's hard depending on when you're trying to do it. We had such a limited timeline for Atlantis because they picked us up so late in the day. We were writing in mid-November, we couldn't cast until January, and we had to shoot in mid-February. So that was kind of crazy."

Exploring multiple galaxies and parts of the universe where even the Ancients have never been means running into civilizations they never met, let alone seeded themselves (as is the case in the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies). The show's premise clearly sets up some good potential for interesting new enemies.

So, what's it going to be? Snakes that take over your body and impersonate gods? Space vampires that suck the life out of you with their hands?

"This is part of the pitch, so I'm not 100 percent sure this is going to be how it pans out: Robert and I have been talking about not having a 'Goa'uld' or a 'Wraith.' Certainly not up front. Enemies is exactly how we want to pursue it, as opposed to defining this bad alien force that defines the entire galaxy, [which is] what the Goa'uld and the Wraith were."

"We're pitching to SCI FI," Wright said. "Robert and I are actually going down this Friday to talk to SCI FI about Universe. ... That's all I can tell you. They may not buy it."

Wright and Cooper intended to write the show's pilot script last summer, after finishing principal photography on the SG-1 movies Stargate: The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum. "That didn't happen because we didn't want to do it in a vacuum, and it was something we might have done," Wright said. "We considered doing it. But to be frank, I felt rushed into Atlantis. And that's always the case, I'm sure. But I thought, 'If we don't have to, why are we? Why don't we do this properly? Why don't we take the time to do this properly?"

What if SCI FI doesn't buy? While it would be next to impossible to get the show picked up by a major broadcast network, or to make enough money through a syndication deal, there are other cable networks in the U.S. where Universe might be a good fit. SpikeTV has been ramping up its production of original series in recent years. G4 is a new player, grabbing rerun rights to genre favorites like Star Trek and LOST. FX is a network that does well in key demographics. And then there are premium cable channels such as Showtime, where Stargate SG-1 began a decade ago.

But, of course, SCI FI Channel is the most likely and most logical home for a third Stargate television series. The network's current strategy is to air original programming year-round -- but more than one of its new shows in the last year failed to be renewed (notably The Dresden Files and Painkiller Jane). So the need for new shows with a high chance of success is high. Stargate Universe could be paired with Atlantis (as Atlantis was paired with SG-1), or it could air during a different time of year.

One thing that Wright is clear on: Don't expect Stargate Universe to debut online.

"The online thing kind of went by the wayside just in terms of business between MGM and Apple," he said. "I don't mind saying this out loud: We live in a world where I'm trying to put in visual effects and sequences that look fabulous on widescreen HD images, and I did not want to launch a series that would appear on a three-inch wide screen. Yes, it's a perfectly valid medium for a lot of television. Not for me. And certainly not for a show like Stargate."

While the script for the show has yet to be written, Stargate Universe is definitely moving forward. The pitch to SCI FI Channel could result in a green light, or at least a script request. Should the cable network pass on the show, MGM could certainly pursue other outlets.

The script may, in turn, lead to a partial or full-season pick-up. As sets are built and the production wheels begin to turn, we expect to see breakdowns for each of the show's main characters.

Stargate's principal photography at The Bridge Studios in Vancouver, British Columbia typically runs from March to October. It is still early enough that, should SCI FI jump at the chance to green light the show, it is not too late to begin filming in March for a premiere sometime in 2008. That would create an enormous time crunch, however, similar to the rush to get Atlantis going in late 2003.

If Stargate Universe misses that window, expect either an order of less than 20 episodes or a 2009 premiere.

There you have it. The working premise for Stargate Universe has been revealed, and we wish Brad Wright and Robert Cooper all the best in selling the new show and entering the next phase. With the mother series Stargate SG-1 over, it is a critical time for determining how far the Stargate franchise will reach beyond it.

Keep in mind that this concept is in an early stage of development, and some change is inevitable -- especially once a network is on board. GateWorld looks forward to keeping you up-to-date on the development of the new series, and to exploring brand new galaxies in Stargate Universe

To me, it sounds intriguing. but maybe not "stargate" enough


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Thanks for posting this Jeddy, erep to you.

Its interesting and just different enough to be a success. Lets face it another almost identical Stargate series most likely won't succede as if there was a big need for it why did SCI-FI stop SG-1?

I look forward to the outcome of this and hope it makes it to air.


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
This sounds great!, I really hope this works out for them and that we one day see it on TV.


6 Jul 2007
i thoguht the reason SG-1 was canceled was because sci-fi said it had ran long enough.

But ye i do see your point Majestic, it would be a bit samey *cough*star Trek*cough* imo too many seasons ship based, and they seemed to re use story lines in new packages.

this new ship based one, using the 9th chevron (ooooooh!) might just do the trick in keeping Stargate going.

From what i read ( i will admit its a very long bit of text and i have the attention span of a hyperactive fly) Its going to be humans finding the ship.

I think it would be great is one time, we saw exactly what happened to the ancients, from their perspective.


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
Indeed (no Stargate pun intended ;)), this could be the fresh new approach the keeps the TV series version of Stargate going :)


Bah Humbug!
1 Oct 2006
I think it could work, just not really as long as they want it to, I could see this being a mini series, or maybe a season or two at most, but nothing more than that...


6 Jul 2007
well it deppends, mainly on whats goign to happen and what the enemies will be.

Or will it be a Voyager ype thing where (eventually) they realise they cant get home, and need to fly back or something. ?


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Former MSFC Member
It sounds like they are using stargate to relaunch the trek franchise!!!!!, however it would be interesting to find out how the gates were deployed and why, I think I will reserve judgment on this......


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Remember the ship can leave at times and the team will no doubt use the Stargate. Also remember that many including myself thought that Atlantis would be no good, just a cheap rip off of SG-1 and look how well it turned out.

Don't underestimate those Stargate creators and writers, they can do magic it seems. ;)


6 Jul 2007
and would this lead to more technological discoveries?

And another one way trip no doubt.


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
I would love to see this come to light as a series. We'll have to wait and see what Sci-Fi does. Keep us posted Jeddy!


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Former MSFC Member
Well... This is sure going to be interesting, if the entire show is going to be based upon a single ship. However, I don't know if I am going to like this or not...

The ship idea is good, and is new (compared with SG-1 & Atlantis). However, a single ship, travelling through to various other galaxies, quite possibly fighting many other species too... Just don't think I'll get the satisfaction of seeing a single ship fight time and time again, would be too much like Star Trek, sticking with the Ent-D, Voyager, or DS9 etc.

Also, I ponder whether the producers are going TOO far. If this ship can travel to other Galaxies, and if we take into account how many Galaxies there are out there, that is going to be one strange series, if they're jumping Galaxies left, right and center.


Bah Humbug!
1 Oct 2006
Also, I ponder whether the producers are going TOO far. If this ship can travel to other Galaxies, and if we take into account how many Galaxies there are out there, that is going to be one strange series, if they're jumping Galaxies left, right and center.
LOL, not unless they break the engine after the first use. ;)
Last edited:


6 Jul 2007
i thought sthe ship was automated after the ancients on it ascended (or something) and from my understanding it wouldnt be able to jump galaxies with any real ease, it has been going for 10s of thousends of years.

I say "it has" a lot but meh, it will have if this series comes out lol.


6 Jul 2007
sorry for the double post.

well the only other thing i have been able to uncover about SG: universe today is!

*drum role*

Stargate: Universe is nothing but a working title, well,it was said in a way to imply that it will change.

but i have read nothing that confirms a release date oradds to what we already know.


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Former MSFC Member
Just been updated on Gateworld
After much waiting, fans finally have the first solid info on just what Stargate Universe is all about! The third live-action television series in the Stargate franchise has been in the concept stage for more than a year now, and is being conceived by Stargate Atlantis co-creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper.

"The idea of Stargate Universe is that it is set on a ship that was part of an Ancient experiment that was set in motion probably millions of years ago -- one that they never saw to fruition, but that we can," Wright told GateWorld exclusively. "They got busy with the whole ascension thing."

The experiment is "to send a ship across the universe, and to send one ahead of it to seed the galaxies with Stargates, and that they would one day use the ninth chevron to get there [to the ship]. And that's what Stargate Universe is."

Millions of years ago (before their conflict with the Wraith and possibly even before they moved Atlantis to the Pegasus Galaxy), the show would reveal, the Ancients sent out two ships: an automated vessel to place Stargates throughout multiple galaxies in our universe, and a second ship to follow up and explore.

A standard, 7-symbol gate address allows for travel within the same galaxy. Use of the Stargate's eighth chevron allows for travel to a different galaxy. And the ninth chevron will allow the team to reach this second, still unmanned Ancient ship.

The series was pitched to SCI FI Channel last fall, just before the writer's strike -- which put a hold on the project. "The pitch was received very well," Wright said. "[But] we pitched an expensive series -- the idea we have is not cheap. I think we've proven ourselves, so ... 'Can we please have enough money to do it right this time?' And, if not, then honestly I don't want to do it. Why do it wrong?"

The third Stargate series won't be set on Earth, or on a remote base, but on a ship that travels from galaxy to galaxy.
The strike and the potential cost of Stargate Universe are not the only reasons the show is not yet moving forward.

"Part of the reason it's taking a while is that Atlantis is currently on-going, and because we didn't want to go into development with anything during the writer's strike -- because it seemed inappropriate. Even though we're Canadian, we recognized it is for the American marketplace."

"Internally, Robert and I are a little bit torn, because we had such a great time making The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum. Making one or two of those a year would be a damn fine thing to do! Honestly, it takes up a big chunk of time writing it, a big chunk of time making it, and then the post on a movie is more than twice as complicated as post on the biggest episodes. So it's not like you can just knock one off while you're making a television show. It's just too much."

Wright said that he is not anxious to return to a schedule that requires the Vancouver team to produce 40 hours of television each year, indicating that Stargate Universe may wait until Atlantis has concluded its run.

When the show does begin, Wright believes that it has to both move the franchise forward to attract new viewers, and remain true to the established formula. "It has to feel like Stargate, and it has to feel new. That's the tight rope, that's the balance you have to maintain, and that's the challenge.

"To put it in its simplest terms, if we had ever just done SG-2as a series it would never have worked. It's not the C.S.I. model."

Keep in mind that the Stargate Universe concept is still in an early stage of development, and some change is inevitable. GateWorld looks forward to keeping you up-to-date on the development of the new series, and to exploring brand new galaxies in Stargate Universe!


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
That sounds really good, I hope it works out and ends up getting made. I suppose how long we have to wait depends on how long Atlantis lasts.


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Former MSFC Member
That sounds really good, I hope it works out and ends up getting made. I suppose how long we have to wait depends on how long Atlantis lasts.

Based on other articles I have read, it may be a while, as it seems Atlantis has a lot of life left in it.:clap:


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Former MSFC Member
I third that too :lol:

I wonder how they'll end Atlantis. Ultimately, it would either end with the destruction of the city, or it'll end with them taking the city back to Earth.

I guess though, by the end of Atlantis, there will be no more bad guys left to fight, and everyone will live happily ever after.


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Former MSFC Member
i would expect something more like the B5 ending... with the powers that be deciding that it is no longer useful and mothballing it...

would make about as much sense too...


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Universe sounds interesting, and while I would love to see it sooner rather than later I think doing the SG-1 movies and Atlantis and waiting till Atlantis concludes (weather it gets a ten year run or not) would be the best option.

As I think having Atlantis running the same time SG-1 did was a small part of the reason SG-! was eventually cancelled other causes would be the age of the show, SCI-FI Channel itself (wanting to make the record books is what I heard) etc as I heard the cast were happy to continue with the series, which is also evident by the movies now.


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Former MSFC Member
At the risk pf going off topic a little i'd say that the loss of SG-1 was far more to do with the loss of Jack (Ben bovva was never going to be anything near a replacement) and the frankly pants Ori arc...

By comparison Atlantis had to look good...

Riht now I am just hoping that they come up with something new/ fresh, that might persuade me to watch again... Universe might work, but only if they luck out with the factors..


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
News Flash! As of this morning, 22nd of Aug.

The SCI FI Channel has green-lit production on Stargate Universe, the third live-action television series, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The official press release from MGM and SCI FI is expected later today.

Universe will have a 2-hour premiere in 2009, and land in a regular time slot next summer -- meaning there will not be a production gap between the second and third Stargate television series.

Looks like they a using the momentum of Stargate Atlantis to launch SG:Universe.:excited:


6 Jul 2007
this may sound childish or just general tantrum-like but they should have kept Atlantis going :( i would have ratehred that than a third addition, just yet anyway.


Bah Humbug!
1 Oct 2006
I like the general idea behind Universe, but am eager for more details, which means I'll likely have to wait and actually watch it next summer...


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
Well the fact that they're still making movies for the other two series and now a new one is obvious proof that there's still demand and viewers for it, hopefully that'll continue for a long time.


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Former MSFC Member
So they're cancelling one series just to make another? Makes sense...:rolleyes:

And now they're bringing Stargate: Voyager. Well at least SG1 and Atlantis will still get the DVD treatment every once in a while.

Slightly off topic: hmm, to be honest I wish Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich would just go through with their plans to make the followup feature sequels they've been trying to get off the ground. I know that means completely blowing off the series, but what the heck that'd probably be better than much of the stuff any of the series came up with.

You know Creed I'm totally the opposite from you; I'm cool with Browder's Mitchell (But admittedly that's because I'm a Farscape fan much higher than Stargate series fan). I always hated McGuyver's whimpy/dry-jokes O'Neil; I want to see Kurt Russell back as the take no names uber-soldier O'Neil the movie introduced.