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Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth



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Former MSFC Member
A friend of Josh's convinced the heck out of him to buy this game and he loves it. Now he's got me into it. You can make custom heroes and all that fun stuff with the collecctor's edition. He made a custom hero and called her Amy. She's an Elven archer whho has the abilty to spawn tornadoes and destroy all her opponents. Just got to play it myselff for the first time since he got it like two months ago or something. I was watching him modd the game today and he basically modded it so that he could builld stuff insttantly and without cost lol. That was kinda funny because he built like stuff all over the pllace and any enemy that wentt near his territory got blown out of the watter.

So yeah its a cool game! And it's sort of sci-fi I guess, except some far time in the past.
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Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
I have heard of the game, seen it in the shops and even looked at the box in the shops. The last one was mainly due to Elrond mentioning it several times. :lol:

Not a fan old medievil games, so I haven't openned the wallet to it. :lol2:

But I have heard it was good, and I don't think I need to mention from who I heard that. ;)


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Ive got it 2 its a good game :)


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Former MSFC Member
quite a few things i like about it however they destroyed rohan!! men of teh west are practically gondor with a few rohan heros and cav. I cant play the battle of helms deep right now!! and the AI is terrible i played a map in minas tirith against 3 brutal enemys and nonew attacked with seige units till very late and even so very poorly. they never used rams and kept trying to destroy my gate with mear infantry. in the first game only seige units could attack gates and walls so why did they get rid of that? Id say the game is ok and far better than the first 1 in many ways but the first 1 is also better in many other ways.


Crusher of Capitalism
24 Apr 2006
We're in agreeance there. I thought the AI would be superior. Now I have, on occassion, seen the enemy actually try to attack my weakest point by flanking me, but that still didn't work out too good for them. The AI is quite inferior.

And yeah, how the heck can infantry attack walls and gates and stuff like that? It would take like two hours for them to do any kind of noticeable damage in real warfare. "Hey, let's attack their gates and walls with swords and spears and stuff." LOL

They've been coming out with a lot of patches. They're up to like version 1.03 or 1.04 or something like that LoL. The first patch was to shut up the players of the game because there were some minor bugs that they took care of. The second I forget what it did. And the third, hmmm, was like 8 kb in size and didn't do all that much either.

In my opinion, yes, seige warfare is nearly meaningless unless fighting on Minas Tirith or Helm's Deep. And even then, if you have enough infantry, tearing down a wall is a piece of cake now that infantry can attack walls and gates. I just think that's kinda lame.

But all in all, great graphics, doesn't lag as much in multiplayer, and the graphics engine really runs smooth compared to the first game. EA Games figured Rohan was a weak faction in the first game and so they combined them in the second game. Personally, you get up enough Ent Moots in the first game when playing Rohan (which isn't that impossible) and the enemy just starts falling like flies. Playing against a hard Rohan in the first game actually was a challenge, unlike fighting a brutal in BFME2.

I'd say out of everything, the AI sure needs to be fixed. Apparently patch 1.02 was supposed to do that, but alas, it didn't. The AI seemed like it was a little bit more intelligent (like it tried to flank me but wasn't all that good at it). Maybe in the next patch (being released sometime this month) will fix up a lot of stuff.

I also hope they reconfigure the Create a Hero thing so that you can modify a character's hair color. My custom create a hero unit in the game is called "Amy" after my honey. She completely owns especially when you get her anywhere past rank 2. Except she's blonde in the game and is brunette in real life, so it kinda gives me an idea to work on a mod to be able to change colors like that LoL.

Aside from everything else, the concept of the game really works well, just the walls, gates, and AI that bother me about it. Seige warfare is basically almost obsolete when you can get dozens of troops to attack walls and gates.