• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

    We have a policy of fairness and a non harassment environment, with the staff quick to act on the rare occasion of when this policy is breached. Feel free to register and join our community.

Head Count



Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
So how many active(non banned) members does MSFC have now anyways? I know we've never been into numbers just for their own sake but we have surely had a lot of people register lately. I'm glad they've done so and I look forward to what they will bring to the site. It's just I'm not sure how many there are of us anymore, lol.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Members: 308
Active Members: 68
baned: 147


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Hmmm... I thought the numbers were a little larger than these. I was guessing about 75-85 active. This count leaves 93 unaccounted for unless they are lurkers, sometime posters, or inactives.


MSFC Staff Paramedic
23 Apr 2006
The number of banned people also includes a lot of spam bots and spammers from the past few years. Some time ago, we've had a surge of spammers that advertise all kinds of... well... delicate stuff. I remember that we, saying Syf and Maj with a lot of recon work done by the mods, banned at least one each day :lol2:
We rarely banned people because of "bad behaviour".


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
The place just feels larger to me sometimes, ya know?


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
It was due to those spamming days that we made profiles needing to be authorised by an Admin, something Syf used to do and now Katala does that job, which she does very well. I know if I did it no one would ever get authorised. :lol:

An active member is one who has visited in the last 30 days, one who hasn't is moved to the inactive group and when they return are automatically moved into the active group. This is done for two reasons, first keeps the counters accurate and secondly make it easier for us Admins to do a membership clean-up.

But we do have a small membership, but thankfully a extremely good one and every active one considering the amount of posts that there are every morning when I log in.


<< ■ II ▶ >>
Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Really? I always thought we seemed like a rather small group.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I guess the high activity is what makes the place seem bigger than it actually is to me. Hadn't thought about it before now.


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
Thought we were doing roll call for a second there, was all ready to shout "Here!" :p

I think it's a case of quality over quantity, there's a really solid base of amazing people that are always here, and there's a good few semi-regulars that pop in every now and then, and then there's all the others that lurk or only post occasionally.

It's like a long standing friendship group; some people come and go but there's always a good few that stick around :)


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
It is a great group. While we have our issues here and there, most all of the people that come here are the finest level of people our species has to offer. We grow our ranks slowly, just like baking a delicious cake... it takes time for it to rise.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
On average we get between 3 and sometimes 10 people apply every day, a majority of these however never make it thru the application process, I've banned many people applying for membership due to advertising stuff in their sig area upon applying, as well as rejected alot of people with the 1 same ip address who can't even be bothered filling out their location correctly or various other little bits, If they can't be bothered telling us the truth then I cant be bothered accepting them :p

Not to mention alot of them are spammers anyways. I run through every application and do a background check before accepting, occassionally one or two slip thru but are caught pretty quickly :p


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
So you are the Gate Keeper?


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Actually, I was thinking along the lines of Ghostbusters, rofl.


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Actually, I was thinking along the lines of Ghostbusters, rofl.

I know. But there were not enough tentacles in your comment to keep me from derailing your line of thought. :lol2:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
And I've seen enough Hentai to know where this thread is going if the both of us are not very careful. lmao!


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Former MSFC Member
I don't even want to ask, do I?
When I read what he posted, I suddenly had a mental picture of Terra standing there with his shirt ripped, a la James T. Kirk, desperately fighting off the unwanted attentions of some slimy tentacled Ebil thing. And losing.
Eeeewww! Not enough eye bleach on the whole planet to remove that image, lol.

But back to topic. I really was surprised to find out there are not as many of us as I thought. I'd like to add more to our merry gang of shiftless, slacking ne'er-do-wells and miscreants. And I sincerely meant this in the nicest way possible, lol. I spend a lot of time in the Real World talking this place up and mentioning it to others who have a strong interest in quality science fiction books, shows, and films. I mention it regularly in the other online places I visit as well.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
i always thought there were more. lol. but it's just alot of posts. i have to say though, i am quite addicted to this place. may not be a huge group, but at least it's decent people.


MSFC Staff Paramedic
23 Apr 2006
Exactly, absinthefary!
I cannot even count the numbers of years I have been a member of MSFC. Did it start three, four, maybe five years ago? Only Maj and Syf will have that number ;)
I have seen people coming and going (either crashlanding or fading away) but there were always a few who stayed here. It's funny, because of MSFC I consider people friends I have never physically met before.

To me it does not matter how many members we have. I know we are a good comunity, we can discuss even more delicate topics without flaming each other, we help each other out in modding questions and have nice chats in between.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Manners and respect are found in abundance here. Two things sadly lacking in the Real World and on the InterWebs. I suspect a great deal of the rudeness found on the 'Net comes from people not really believing there is another live human being at the other end of that oh so fragile chain of broadband and WiFi. Because they are merely characters on a monitor, they aren't real. As a direct result, there are no real consequences if we treat them like dirt.

A long time ago there was this self important fellow who was very rude to me and quite a few others over something which could have been cleared in five minutes by a simple, "Oops! My bad! Forgot to ask you beforehand if I could use this. Won't happen again, sorry. May I use something you've done as a part of what I've done, please?" Would have said, "Yes" in about an eyeblink had he done so. If it is something I have done to mod a game and I did it all by myself, I tend to let others play with it any way they want as long as they remember to tell everyone where they got it from. Not really required. Just simple common courtesy.

Well, he decided he was going to do what he wanted and d**n the torpedoes. So he started flaming and out right lying to everyone within reach. He did this with impunity and was ruder and more disrespectful the longer the thing went on. I very patiently tracked down his IP address and from this had about an 85% solution on where he was located physically. People are not as invisible and immune on the Web as they think they are. Someone can be found as long as the person looking for them is patient and diligent enough. Takes no magic or hacker skills to do this, just sweat. Well, I sent him a private message listing the last five IP's he logged onto that forum from. I then generously offered him the opportunity to tell me what he really thought of me live and in person. After all, he was only about a day and half's drive from me. He demurred, of course. He promptly and very publicly hung a, "I'm the Victim here!" sign around his neck and played to the crowd for sympathy. No go. The larger part of his most ardent supporters found their willingness to do battle on his behalf had greatly cooled when this story was repeated to them. One thing to flame a stranger online when you think you're a Cyber Ninja and impregnable. Quite another when said stranger could be actually speaking with you in person the next day. I found the whole thing highly amusing. Sadly, this incident cost me some friendships. It has also caused some people to keep a wary eye on me sometimes, which is irritating. But since I caused them to do so, whining about it is pointless.

Bad behavior at MSFC just isn't tolerated. The Staff here are very good at keeping disagreements from getting personal. The fact everyone here is what my Dad would call "Good people" also helps. He didn't have a higher compliment to pay someone. I'd like to have more people here, but I am most unwilling to sacrifice the quality of the friends I have now for a larger quantity of them. Probably not the only person here who feels this way.


Blue lantern corps
18 Feb 2011
I've been a lurker on a lot of forums - FleetOps for example - because I didn't feel quite comfortable posting there. Not so here, great community and great people to talk to.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Not trying to offend anyone here but the FleetOps Forum is a zoo. There are some really great people over there, though. Not as many as I'd like to see, considering how hard the FleetOps team has worked over the years to turn out a consistently high quality product. I kinda hope some more of the nice people over there will wander over this way and register. Dominus and all the rest of you FlOppers whom are here are top shelf. While I was was over there, I found myself falling into the same bad habits as a lot of other folks. Posting to score points off others. Leaving flame bait out in front of the troll caves. And so on. Saw how easy it was to get up a case of self-righteously indignant anger and ignite the big flame thrower. Came to my senses, signed out, logged off and haven't been back. Not their fault. Mine. If i can be so easily swayed to the Dark Side by simply being there, then I really need to be some place else.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Yeah, FO is not the easiest of environments to hold a discussion in, but they do seem to get several new members a day.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
What's all of this in relation too?
SquireJames. 'Nuff said

Yeah, I'm aware of it. I actually find the Pokemon games (ever since the original Red and Blue versions, right up to the current Diamond and Black) quite entertaining. I generally don't do portable games, but with the Pokemon ones, well, that's the exception.
Hey, Avon. I play Pokemon! Only reason I've kept a GameBoy Color. I have Red Blue and Yellow. Pretty fun game actually.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
I almost forgot about him too. I think I was on the way in to AFC when he was on the way out so that may be why. I also migrated to A2F just late enough to avoid the worst of Jetnova so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that regard.

Anyway, as I understand it, the Pokemon games are some of the best selling among handhelds and have been since the second or third were made. So when you think about it, they must be doing something right, even if the show is garbage. Although I must admit, Pokemon and wrestling seem like a really odd combo.

Haha, your Easter egg is great.:lol:


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Exactly, absinthefary!
I cannot even count the numbers of years I have been a member of MSFC. Did it start three, four, maybe five years ago? Only Maj and Syf will have that number ;)
I have seen people coming and going (either crashlanding or fading away) but there were always a few who stayed here. It's funny, because of MSFC I consider people friends I have never physically met before.

To me it does not matter how many members we have. I know we are a good comunity, we can discuss even more delicate topics without flaming each other, we help each other out in modding questions and have nice chats in between.
not just them LOL

I still have the invite in my AFC outbox that I sent you inviting you to this sites first incarnation "majestic downloads" as well as the invite for Phoenix and the date by the way was

2005-12-07, 02:14:22 ;)


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Not trying to offend anyone here but the FleetOps Forum is a zoo. There are some really great people over there, though. Not as many as I'd like to see, considering how hard the FleetOps team has worked over the years to turn out a consistently high quality product. I kinda hope some more of the nice people over there will wander over this way and register. Dominus and all the rest of you FlOppers whom are here are top shelf. While I was was over there, I found myself falling into the same bad habits as a lot of other folks. Posting to score points off others. Leaving flame bait out in front of the troll caves. And so on. Saw how easy it was to get up a case of self-righteously indignant anger and ignite the big flame thrower. Came to my senses, signed out, logged off and haven't been back. Not their fault. Mine. If i can be so easily swayed to the Dark Side by simply being there, then I really need to be some place else.

Yes there are some really great people there, Mal, Clintsat and 23Down for example. I enjoying playing large 4vs4 games with these guys.

But you're right too many trolls and the like. I just log on there every now and then, post and idea for improvement or comment on someone else's and have a look at the modding and news section but I don't post often to avoid the same dark side behaviour as you just mentioned. I too found baiting trolls was becoming a thing of habit especially with the "tokra" fellow. I am opinionated, but this bloke is overly obsessive opinionated. Makes me look like a shy school boy starting a new school in his first year of schooling.

SquireJames. 'Nuff said

Would you believe the guy contacted a admin via facebook about 6-12 months ago and asked to be unbanned. He said he had learnt his lesson and felt victimised or something due to not being able to get on any of the popular a2 sites. :rolleyes:

We have had a couple of trouble makers, most around the time of the *unspoken a2 importer issue* many come over here and flamed me personally for my stance in the great debate. Everyone had their opinions and what side of the fence they were standing on. But they still felt the need to come over here from A2F and say some unpleasant things to me. It was only Syf and me at the time as admins and I can say it was a race between the two of us in who could ban the bugger fast enough. Left him a nice PM too that he couldn't reply to letting him know what we thought of his behaviour.

But all in all, we haven't had much of an issue here, apart from names like Dontai, SquireJames and Jetnova we have been very peaceful and haven't had any real or major issues.

Most members who post often generally stay active for the long-term. It's unfortunate so many have left like Harrie as an example. But people's lives move on and sometimes MSFC just isn't a part of them for various degrees of reasons. However I can say many of our original 2005 opening members are still here like CrazyFrog, Hellkite, Borg_Queen, EAS_Intrepid, Syf etc.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
... especially with the "tokra" fellow. I am opinionated, but this bloke is overly obsessive opinionated. Makes me look like a shy school boy starting a new school in his first year of schooling.
Thank you! I just fell out of my chair laughing. Of all the words I could think of pairing up, 'shy' and 'Majestic' didn't make the list.
Would you believe the guy contacted a admin via facebook about 6-12 months ago and asked to be unbanned. He said he had learnt his lesson and felt victimised or something due to not being able to get on any of the popular a2 sites. :rolleyes:
Please tell me you're joking. Not even I can be that blind and gauche. And I can be blind with the best of them.
We have had a couple of trouble makers, most around the time of the *unspoken a2 importer issue* many come over here and flamed me personally for my stance in the great debate. Everyone had their opinions and what side of the fence they were standing on...
I remember that. I think that was the very first time you and I ever had a cyber Kung Fu fight. You were justifiably mad about people stealing meshes while no one did anything about it. I was mad about it being assumed with no proof at all I was a liar and thief. I don't know if you noticed, but the rest of the A2F forums went running for cover when you and I squared off on one another. And now look at us, rofl. Talk about unexpected endings...