• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

    We have a policy of fairness and a non harassment environment, with the staff quick to act on the rare occasion of when this policy is breached. Feel free to register and join our community.

Filefront Blocked My Country


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
Since some time ago that I can no longer see any pics in pages like armada2files or bcfiles... well, I figured out why and that is because Filefront blocked their services to a whole bunch of countries, mine included. So I cannot see pics or download any files anymore.

So, I was thinking that this measure will only damage what is left of the Comuunity there, and I think the hypocrites would still accept if I submit new files.

I have been considering to request the total remove of all of my files from armada2files, if I am no longer able to see or get any files, then why do I have to keep my modding things with them?. I sent an e-mail to Freyr, since he is/was an admin there, so he can do that or if he can let me reach an admin to request what I have mentioned.

This is a totally sad and frustrating situation... but sadly not the first time it happens as other webpages have already blocked their services to all except some selected countries.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Well that is a load of junk. It's not like Filefront hasn't been falling apart for years, the constant errors are really inexcusable for going on this long without being fix, but to block countries because they aren't in the big few countries is a joke. If this is the case I wouldn't blame you for removing your files

You can rest assured nothing like that would happen here, we may be based in the US, run from Australia and moderated from all around the world, but this is a multinational site open to all countries.

I hope you manage to get this sorted out.


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
It is always nice that you can assure me that. And you are right, because Filefront has became a very bad place to stay, all because of the errors and problems.

This coming week will be very busy for me, but I'll try to keep up with how i can do about this situation, and i suppose I can update this topic when needed.


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
I'm looking into this, hold on.

If this was an official decision, it's outrageous.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
Another reason to not go to Filefront. The only reason I go anymore is there are still one or two good uploaders that post stuff occasionally (mainly Aad Moerman), but outside of that, it's annoying. Add to this Filefront's new file storage policy (a file is deleted if not downloaded in the past 60 days) and there's hardly any reason to go


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
I don't think FF would do this unless it was a legal compliance request from the countries in question. Is there a list of countries?


Staff member
Site Manager
Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Another reason to not go to Filefront. The only reason I go anymore is there are still one or two good uploaders that post stuff occasionally (mainly Aad Moerman), but outside of that, it's annoying. Add to this Filefront's new file storage policy (a file is deleted if not downloaded in the past 60 days) and there's hardly any reason to go

Really? 60 days? Thats ridiculous, I can't even access recent files, they all come up with an error message.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
Really? 60 days? Thats ridiculous, I can't even access recent files, they all come up with an error message.

If you click the refresh button enough times it'll work. Same goes for screenshots


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
Yes, that stuff with having to refresh 1-3 times or more is one of the biggest annoyances they never cared to fix. But we can see it is all about new rules they place at random, rules like about the60-days for files and the blocking of countries.

There is a list of countries, i can be found in the main Filefront forums. But i have not yet seen their reasons to do that.... and I have mentioned before, it has happened before with other webpages, because something to do with they'd rather remain with fewer countries because it is better for them economically.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
I think these policys are the final nails in the coffen that holds filefront. :rolleyes: RIP


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
If it is indeed a new policy, it's a pretty silly one imo.

If they are doing it because say spammers, hackers etc, then generalizing everyone in a country is not the way to do it. If they are going to stop Chile from accessing the site they may as well block the US, the UK and even good old AUS for the very same reasons. I'm not saying they blocked Chile due to hackers, but if there is a reactive reason for this block then generalizing a entire country isn't the way to do it.

I saw a post on another forum that I go to every now and then and this one guy who runs another forum suggested that they only allow members from the US to join. The topic came up due to a large amount of spammers joining. I voiced my concerns and told them that like any other country the US has it's fair share of spammers and blocking everyone else out isn't the way to stop it. I suggested a method that we use here, (question and answer, plus admin check of new account details from online lists). Ultimately the admin of the site in question went with my suggestion, and the other guy totally went back on what he said a few days later, even though you could see it at the top of the page. :rolleyes:

Chiletrek, I can say I'd be doing the same thing if they had blocked my country, removing my files from there. Just be careful they might not do it as Filefront basically owns the files once they are uploaded, at least it used to be that way a number of years back. It used to be in the rules and terms and conditions of uploading. I don't know if that has changed from 2008. Also ModDB uses Filefront hosting, so if you do have problems with Filefront with your files I'd recommend not uploading them on ModDB. As you'll run into the same problems.

Anyway I'll await to hear from Terra_Inc before I made any further judgement on this.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
If you do go ahead and remove your files from Filefront, will you be hosting them here?


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
I have yet to receive an official response from the network management, but here's the list that seems to have been posted to the main site (which none of us ever visits, of course) in May.

Game Front File Hosting FAQs

Can I download Game Front files from any territory in the world?
A: Game Front file downloads are not supported in all territories. Below is the list of all of the countries that can download from Game Front. If you’re not in one of the below territories then, unfortunately, you will be unable to download files from our site. If, however, you are one of the listed countries and still experience issues downloading please submit a ticket and we’ll look into it.

AD – Andorra
AE – United Arab Emirates
AF – Afghanistan
AG – Antigua and Barbuda
AI – Anguilla
AL – Albania
AM – Armenia
AN – Netherlands Antilles
AO – Angola
AQ – Antarctica
AS – American Samoa
AT – Austria
AU – Australia
AW – Aruba
AZ – Azerbaijan
BA – Bosnia and Herzegovina
BB – Barbados
BD – Bangladesh
BE – Belgium
BF – Burkina Faso
BG – Bulgaria
BH – Bahrain
BI – Burundi
BJ – Benin
BM – Bermuda
BN – Brunei Darussalam
BO – Bolivia
BS – Bahamas
BT – Bhutan
BV – Bouvet Island
BW – Botswana
BY – Belarus
BZ – Belize
CA – Canada
CC – Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CD – Congo, Democratic Republic
CF – Central African Republic
CG – Congo
CH – Switzerland
CI – Cote D’lvoire (Ivory Coast)
CK – Cook Islands
CM – Cameroon
CV – Cape Verde
CX – Christmas Island
CY – Cyprus
CZ – Czech Republic
DE – Germany
DJ – Djibouti
DK – Denmark
DM – Dominica
DO – Dominican Republic
DZ – Algeria
EE – Estonia
EH – Western Sahara
ER – Eritrea
ET – Ethiopia
FI – Finland
FJ – Fiji
FK – Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FM – Micronesia
FO – Faroe Islands
GA – Gabon
GB – Great Britain (UK)
GD – Grenada
GE – Georgia
GF – French Guiana
GH – Ghana
GI – Gibraltar
GL – Greenland
GM – Gambia
GN – Guinea
GP – Guadeloupe
GQ – Equatorial Guinea
GR – Greece
GS – S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles.
GT – Guatemala
GU – Guam
GW – Guinea-Bissau
GY – Guyana
HM – Heard and McDonald Islands
HR – Croatia (Hrvatska)
IE – Ireland
IL – Israel
IO – British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ – Iraq
IR – Iran
IS – Iceland
JM – Jamaica
JO – Jordan
KE – Kenya
KG – Kyrgyzstan
KH – Cambodia
KI – Kiribati
KM – Comoros
KN – Saint Kitts and Nevis
KW – Kuwait
KY – Cayman Islands
KZ – Kazakhstan
LA – Laos
LB – Lebanon
LC – Saint Lucia
LI – Liechtenstein
LK – Sri Lanka
LR – Liberia
LS – Lesotho
LT – Lithuania
LU – Luxembourg
LV – Latvia
LY – Libya
MA – Morocco
MC – Monaco
MD – Moldova
ME – Montenegro
MG – Madagascar
MH – Marshall Islands
MK – F.Y.R.O.M. (Macedonia)
ML – Mali
MM – Myanmar
MN – Mongolia
MO – Macau
MP – Northern Mariana Islands
MQ – Martinique
MR – Mauritania
MS – Montserrat
MT – Malta
MU – Mauritius
MV – Maldives
MW – Malawi
MZ – Mozambique
NA – Namibia
NC – New Caledonia
NE – Niger
NF – Norfolk Island
NG – Nigeria
NI – Nicaragua
NL – Netherlands
NO – Norway
NP – Nepal
NR – Nauru
NU – Niue
NZ – New Zealand (Aotearoa)
OM – Oman
PA – Panama
PF – French Polynesia
PG – Papua New Guinea
PK – Pakistan
PM – St. Pierre and Miquelon
PR – Puerto Rico
PS – Palestinian Territory, Occupied
PW – Palau
PY – Paraguay
QA – Qatar
RE – Reunion
RW – Rwanda
SA – Saudi Arabia
SB – Solomon Islands
SC – Seychelles
SD – Sudan
SH – St. Helena
SI – Slovenia
SJ – Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands
SK – Slovak Republic
SL – Sierra Leone
SM – San Marino
SN – Senegal
SO – Somalia
SR – Suriname
ST – Sao Tome and Principe
SV – El Salvador
SY – Syria
SZ – Swaziland
TC – Turks and Caicos Islands
TD – Chad
TF – French Southern Territories
TG – Togo
TJ – Tajikistan
TK – Tokelau
TM – Turkmenistan
TN – Tunisia
TO – Tonga
TT – Trinidad and Tobago
TV – Tuvalu
TZ – Tanzania
UA – Ukraine
UG – Uganda
UM – US Minor Outlying Islands
US – United States
UZ – Uzbekistan
VA – Vatican City State (Holy See)
VC – Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
VG – British Virgin Islands
VI – Virgin Islands (U.S.)
VU – Vanuatu
WF – Wallis and Futuna Islands
WS – Samoa
YE – Yemen
YT – Mayotte
ZA – South Africa
ZM – Zambia
ZW – Zimbabwe


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
I think these policys are the final nails in the coffen that holds filefront. :rolleyes: RIP

Lol, maybe :lol2:

If it is indeed a new policy, it's a pretty silly one imo.

If they are doing it because say spammers, hackers etc, then generalizing everyone in a country is not the way to do it. If they are going to stop Chile from accessing the site they may as well block the US, the UK and even good old AUS for the very same reasons. I'm not saying they blocked Chile due to hackers, but if there is a reactive reason for this block then generalizing a entire country isn't the way to do it.

I saw a post on another forum that I go to every now and then and this one guy who runs another forum suggested that they only allow members from the US to join. The topic came up due to a large amount of spammers joining. I voiced my concerns and told them that like any other country the US has it's fair share of spammers and blocking everyone else out isn't the way to stop it. I suggested a method that we use here, (question and answer, plus admin check of new account details from online lists). Ultimately the admin of the site in question went with my suggestion, and the other guy totally went back on what he said a few days later, even though you could see it at the top of the page. :rolleyes:

Chiletrek, I can say I'd be doing the same thing if they had blocked my country, removing my files from there. Just be careful they might not do it as Filefront basically owns the files once they are uploaded, at least it used to be that way a number of years back. It used to be in the rules and terms and conditions of uploading. I don't know if that has changed from 2008. Also ModDB uses Filefront hosting, so if you do have problems with Filefront with your files I'd recommend not uploading them on ModDB. As you'll run into the same problems.

Anyway I'll await to hear from Terra_Inc before I made any further judgement on this.

Well, you don't need to be a hacker to get around those country restrictions, even I know a method or two to go pass beyond that "country blocking" of them and see the files again, but that is not the point, I agree that we do have the rights to take a look at the files, only that we can make comments, suggestions, ideas, share things... they are just taking away all of that.

Also, I have talked to a friend and he told me that even if files cannot be removed, at least they can be removed from the file listings, so that way they are impossible to get again for anybody.

If you do go ahead and remove your files from Filefront, will you be hosting them here?

That is indeed one option, I will post files here and I am also considering to post them in AFC too... funny thing is that I started posting in armada2files because AFC never uploaded my first mod (even though I did all they asked me to do for upload) and went mad at them.

I have yet to receive an official response from the network management, but here's the list that seems to have been posted to the main site (which none of us ever visits, of course) in May.

I was able to send an e-mail to the manager too, so I hope I can also get a reply for support and/or suggestions or what to do. We will have to wait and see.


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
WTF, I can get files if I'm in Iran or Libia but not Chile? What kind of jacked up **** is that?


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
WTF, I can get files if I'm in Iran or Libia but not Chile? What kind of jacked up **** is that?

Yeah Ukraine is on the list and it's renowned for scammers and hackers. :rolleyes:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
WTF, I can get files if I'm in Iran or Libia but not Chile? What kind of jacked up **** is that?
You can also get them in Antarctica. Because we all know penguins play video games. :p