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    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

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Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Hello again, just me.

I thought yesterday about the modification. I was looking at both the Cardassians and Klingons and particularly at their GUI's. While the stock ones for these two races wasn't all that bad, I just feel a change was in order.

I want COE to stand out a bit, while it might not be the best TNG era Total Conversion, it isn't designed to be. That honour is left for Tactical Assault, Art of War and Borg Incursion in my opinion. What I want is for it to start out graphically, eye candy is part of the game here. With that in mind I have decides to do something new modifications have done before. Make some radical GUI's, very unlike what stock did or what any other modification has done before.

So here is the very early start at a GUI. Cardassians are the guinea pigs here as always and I have a build button designed, with a transparent background.



I would personally like to hear what peoples opinion on this is.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I have always liked a transparent BB and WFR. I like the idea of the entire GUI being transparent if possible. And if I may. I'd like very much to suggest the resource counters and the management buttons be moved down to just above the Command Panel. I've always felt the A2 GUI layout was clumsy.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Yeah, I am thinking of making some drastic changes to the GUI, whether I have the skills to do this are completely another story. My aims are this:
  • Remove the Cinematic window, it's useless and uses more processing power anyway. I want to replace it with the build buttons and command buttons, much like what Armada 1 has.
  • Make all buttons match the GUI of the race, like I am doing for Yesteryears. Plus give them transparent backgrounds.
  • Have the resource panels as you suggested Thunderfoot moved down to either above the map window or where the stock A2 build buttons are or even better integrated into the GUI somewhere.
  • Make the GUI's match the race in question, look like their computer panels but also be something new and fresh.


Biffy! Biffy! Biffy!
1 Jul 2009
Nice Majestic,:clap: I love the idea of having transparencies in the UI... I wish I could do this sort of stuff...:confused:

The UI is often overlooked - but I feel that it is essential to the mod, as it realy defines how the gamer interacts with the game... get it right and your half way to an awesome mod... (although I see your waaaayyy more than half way there, eh?:thumbsup:)


Waiting for Godot
29 May 2006
I love it - very Cardassian.

Good luck with all of the GUI stuff. I wouldn't know where to begin cutting out the cinematic window... :)


Every Mods Biggest Fan :P
31 Jan 2007
Suits the Cardassians perfectly, nice work, and I'm glad to hear you're refining the GUI style of A2 a bit :)


Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
A very aesthetically pleasing design I'd say, and meets all Cardassian specs with flying colors. One of your best.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Nice Majestic,:clap: I love the idea of having transparencies in the UI... I wish I could do this sort of stuff...:confused:

The UI is often overlooked - but I feel that it is essential to the mod, as it realy defines how the gamer interacts with the game... get it right and your half way to an awesome mod... (although I see your waaaayyy more than half way there, eh?:thumbsup:)

Indeed, many mods just use the stock one. But I have always been one of those few who have always tried to make a new GUI to match the race and such that it belongs too. I'm certainly not the best GUI maker out there but I do a good enough job I believe. :lol2:

I love it - very Cardassian.

Good luck with all of the GUI stuff. I wouldn't know where to begin cutting out the cinematic window... :)

Well if you want to achieve that as well, if I find out how and manage to do what I want, you're welcome to use it in your mods as well. :thumbsup:

Suits the Cardassians perfectly, nice work, and I'm glad to hear you're refining the GUI style of A2 a bit :)

Thanks Dan. Yes I want to be different. :lol:

A very aesthetically pleasing design I'd say, and meets all Cardassian specs with flying colors. One of your best.

Thanks, means a lot coming from one of the best Artists we have here. :D


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Hello again, just me.

I thought yesterday about the modification. I was looking at both the Cardassians and Klingons and particularly at their GUI's. While the stock ones for these two races wasn't all that bad, I just feel a change was in order.

I want COE to stand out a bit, while it might not be the best TNG era Total Conversion, it isn't designed to be. That honour is left for Tactical Assault, Art of War and Borg Incursion in my opinion. What I want is for it to start out graphically, eye candy is part of the game here. With that in mind I have decides to do something new modifications have done before. Make some radical GUI's, very unlike what stock did or what any other modification has done before.

So here is the very early start at a GUI. Cardassians are the guinea pigs here as always and I have a build button designed, with a transparent background.

I would personally like to hear what peoples opinion on this is.

I really like the look on that GUI. Makes me rather curious on how the GUI will look for the other races as well. :D

Steven Kodaly

Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member

I would personally like to hear what peoples opinion on this is.

That is one of the prettiest build buttons I have ever seen. I especially like the curved light pattern at the right-hand side. Keep up the good work!