• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

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Romulan Vastam Cl'vangas

FO-A2 Romulan Vastam Cl'vangas 1.0

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Another Legacy port the Vastam Cl'vangas class known as the Vengeance in Legacy is a rather simple wing like design. It heavily relied on its speed and rapid fire weapons in close combat and makes an excellent destroyer. Again I see this design not as a TOS design but perhaps as a TMP design at it's earliest.

If you download this, please rate the file and leave feedback. It would be appreciated and every comment from the community motivates me to release more models for your enjoyment.
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    VC (4).jpg
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