• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

    We have a policy of fairness and a non harassment environment, with the staff quick to act on the rare occasion of when this policy is breached. Feel free to register and join our community.

RSS Your Email & Really Stay In Touch



Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I know people on the site like to stay in touch with the latest "Doctor Who" news.

Well, here's a dead easy way to do it.

Link your email to the RSS newsfeed on "Outpost Galifrey" & The BBC's Doctor Who site and anywhere else that offers an RSS newsfeed and you'll get all the latest news with links to the stories YOU WANT TO READ every couple of minutes.

Try it.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
phase5, you are aware of the site rules aren't you? This thread boarders on advertisement as in trying to lour members away from the site. But considering the sites you mentioned are the two main sites in Doctor Who and that I know the members here come to this site not for only Doctor Who and I respect them a great deal to make up their own minds I will allow this, this time.

In future please contact a member of staff before posting such a post as from my point of view this doesn't seem as innocent as it is made out to be due to knowledge of your past actions towards some staff and members of the site.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Majestic, Lour people away? Advertisement? Hmmm... so if I'd just suggested people use their computers to their full advantage and RSS their emails to ensure they get all the news they want it would have been OK?

In all honesty where do you think most of the "information" about "Doctor Who" on this site comes from? It comes from OG and the BBC website.

And every Doctor Who "information" post posted here is repeated on at least 13 other forums word for word. Cut and pasted. It's not like this site is "special" or anything.

As for my "past actions" you really want to get BOTH sides of any story before you condem people out of hand. I've never called anyone a "bigot" and gotten away with it, nor been thrown out of a forum for being a total fascist.

Nor do I run an extremely childish "hate thread".
Matthew's Site - The Adjornment Debate

Anyway, thanks for the FYI. I'm obviously not welcome. Just 90 members?


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
*Shakes head* I am not stupid phase, I know where the news comes from. I am not disputing that in anyway shape or form. I am talking about the site rules, the ones this site was founded on that all members, staff included follow.

In fact after previous problems including boarder line harassment by you I was very tempted to remove the post but decided to give you the benifit of the doubt as I do believe people can change.

Also I know about the 13 other forums, and if this is another dig at Theta_Sigma I will ask you to quit while you are ahead. He is well within his rights to post the exact same post on as many forums as he wish and it doesn't bother me if this site is number 13 he is supporting the community here and has never asked for anything in return nor has he ever caused a ounce of trouble.

You may in fact have something against him personally, I know this may be the case has from what I heard you have driven him off other sites and you should know we here at MSFC have a strong commitment to anti-harassment, it's in fact the founding principle as we ourselves were driven from sites by harassment which the staff did nothing about and in fact were part of it. Also it appears you have something against the site, if this is also the case I suggest you let it drop. You don't like the site? Well fine feel free to post elsewhere. I learnt a long time ago you can't make everyone happy.

You are by all means welcomed here as long as you can abide by the rules and staff decisions and respect the members of the site and have no intention to cause trouble.

Now I think this matter should be dropped, I made my decision and I think for someone who had caused problems for us in the past you should be happy with the decision (as it was boarder line advertise by telling people to go to other sites). I have made my views known so you are aware of them.

EDIT: If you want to continue this, please take it to PM, I am more than willing to hear what you have to say but I do not own that site nor wouold I ever make one and find it offensive that you would imply that I would create such a site.