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Fleet Ops: where are the ODF's hiding?


Cadet Sophomore
31 Aug 2015
So I was about to play an Instant Action game, when I realized I had forgotten to pick my side. I didn't fancy playing what was randomly picked and ended the game s it was beginning. That's when I noticed this:


So, then I went to check out the ODF's to find out why the Borg had been designed so imbalanced with everyone else. And I gave out a Muldoon cry of, 'Clever girl'. Where are the ODF's hidden for FO, and how can I find them and bend them back to balance?


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
The FO\Data directory has a file called ODF.fpq which contains all the ODFs as an archive. You can access the archive with the FPQEdit.exe in the same directory. I wouldn't recommend messing with the Borg, though. They're extremely complex, such that it could easily take you a week to tone down a single ship type. The Borg aren't really too unbalanced. They have very powerful ships, but they field much fewer of them. They just look more powerful at the start because their scout is more capable.


Lasciate ogni speranza...
18 Aug 2010
Besides a very few things related to fighters and replaceweapon usage, we didn't mess with the Admiral's Log much. All that stuff there is defunct and won't ever reflect balance in FO. Armada's Log function was designed to account for mirror factions more or less.