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Fantastic Four 2015 Reboot


Petty Officer 1st Class
19 Jan 2011
totally wrong choise of actor for Reed Richards but that girl fits better to Susan Storm than Jessica Alba. Only one question though, why are those idiots making so much reboots the last years, are they not creative enough to make something new ?


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Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
Marvel and DC want to end all of their old superhero movie series and reboot them into their cinematic universes. I think most of them are better off as stand-alones. Batman never seemed to me like the kind of team player necessary to be a member of the Justice League, for instance.

This new Fantastic Four looks more interesting from the trailer, though.


Blue lantern corps
18 Feb 2011
It looks like there's some severe fighting between Marvel and Fox over this and some other properties. Supposedly Marvel is ended the F4 comic series entirely later this year because of it. I'll have to see if I can dig up the source on that.

But yeah, reboot after reboot after reboot. They found their cash cow and they're going to milk it until it's dry.